**** Spolier Ahead ****
Ya - had lot's of fun with this one at the Imax - but Dances with Smurfs it most certainly is!
He could have done some great work satirizing modern day politics - if the plant had been in there to get the various tribes to war with each other - while the Humans supplied both sides - and gained "deal with the devil" mineral rights as the tribe became more desperate and warlike against each other.
(btw - this is what America, et al does irl all the time in Africa/Middle East/Etc...)
Throw in some well executed false flag attacks by the Avatars on their own befriended tribe - and you would have even had some real depth of thought provoking content in the story - perhaps having the same double agent in the movie pulling the going native routine after what he saw of his own people going to far with this step.
(but push the is he for real or just chasing "tail" idea even further - where the audience will be unsure just how "pure" his motive are - even after the movies credits)
Well - it would have flown well over the heads of many in the Audience - but man was that a Golden Opportunity missed - could have made it Oscar worthy even...
Maybe - when Humans are finally Uplifted - pandering to the proles in Media won't be the very very disapointing affiar it is today...