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« on: September 20, 2008, 07:49:35 pm »
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 10:00:56 pm by Fallen_Warrior »
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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 05:21:05 pm »
Yes alittle sad, but I couldn't comment as I am not a scripter.  Sorry.
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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 07:28:56 pm »
My copy of SFC3 is in a shed over 300Km from here. Otherwise, I'd give it a spin for you this weekend. I have EAW and OP with me though.

But my current efforts are focused on design and specifications for SFC-CE.

Part of the problem may be the obsolete build enviroment? I am the only person I know of still maintaining a VC6/Summer2004-Directx build environment.

I'd ask my dad to bring my sfc3 disk down but I doubt he could find it. I'll try and get up there this year and dig it out.

Hmm I wonder if I can build SFC scripts without an SFC install to test on? Might be possible. I shall investigate.

Hmmm where to find the API? I don't think we have it... Oh wait, I have my old hard disk with me, I think it has SFC3 on it from which I might be able to extract the api... but what API version? Did it change with the patches?

Found it:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 07:47:47 pm by Bonk »

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2009, 08:09:10 pm »
First attempt at a build:

Sing_Patrol.scr - 86 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I suspect the SFC3 STL modifications are incompatible with the SFC OP serverkit STL modifications. I will not risk losing my stable OP serverkit build environment, so I will attempt to correct thest errors in the stock script.

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2009, 08:45:51 pm »
It's not STL incompatibilities, it's old Win9x code.

Fixed the OSSpecific optex code like so:

Code: [Select]
// If lock count = 0, optex is unowned, we can own it
// thisThreadOwnsTheOptex = (0 == ::InterlockedCompareExchange( (void**)&fSharedInfo.fLockCount, (void*)1, 0) );
thisThreadOwnsTheOptex = (0 == ::InterlockedCompareExchange( (volatile long *)&fSharedInfo.fLockCount, (long)1, 0) );

And this is too funny, I stared at these errors for about 10 minutes before I realised what was going on...:
Code: [Select]
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(52) : error C2065: 'kLyran' : undeclared identifier
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(52) : error C2051: case expression not constant
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(55) : error C2065: 'kGorn' : undeclared identifier
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(55) : error C2051: case expression not constant
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(58) : error C2065: 'kMirak' : undeclared identifier
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(58) : error C2051: case expression not constant
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(61) : error C2065: 'kHydran' : undeclared identifier
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(61) : error C2051: case expression not constant
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(64) : error C2065: 'kISC' : undeclared identifier
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\AttackTeamInitialState.cpp(64) : error C2051: case expression not constant

Those races are not in SFC3! :smackhead:   :laugh:

I shall comment out these cases and then post a build of the stock SFC3 single player patrol script for testing to see if I have my build environment setup properly (pretty sure I've got it right.)

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2009, 08:55:36 pm »
But that only leaves Federation, Klingon and Romulan cases. Aren't there Borg in SFC3? Or are they not available in singleplayer?

Got it down to three errors now:
Code: [Select]
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\Sing_Patrol.cpp(60) : error C2065: 'kSpecOrion' : undeclared identifier
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\Sing_Patrol.cpp(60) : error C2065: 'kSpecMonster' : undeclared identifier
F:\stuff\SFC\SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Scripts\Single\Sing_Patrol\Sing_Patrol.cpp(240) : error C2065: 'kOrionCamboro' : undeclared identifier

This is all worryingly incomplete. Are there no monsters in SFC3? No Orions? Why didn't they clean up the scripting API to what is actually used? Looks like they were way too hurried.

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2009, 09:03:10 pm »
Why the heck would they leave this in if Orions are not in the game?

Code: [Select]
const tTeamSpec& team7 = mCreateTeamSpec( "Orion Team", static_cast< eTeamID>( kOrionTeam ), kMaxChance, kTrue,
typeid( tOrionTeam ) );

I guess I'll just comment out team7.

Again, most disconcerting. And where are the Borg?

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2009, 09:12:43 pm »
OK. Test build of the SFC3 stock singleplayer patrol attached (as 7-zip archive).

Concerned that so much stuff is missing though. I'll be curious to see if it works.

A few SFC3 questions:

1) Did they release more than one version of the scripting API?
2) Are the Borg playable in singleplayer? If so, why would they leave them out of the patrol mission?
3) Are there Orions in SFC3?
4) Are there Monsters in SFC3?

Given satisfactory answers to these questions, and if the attached script does indeed work, then we can get to what kind of new scripts Fallen_Warrior wants. Keep in mind I do not play SFC3 and this is the first time I have looked at its scripting API. So keep the first few requests for custom missions very simple until I get a better sense of SFC3 scripting.

NOTE: of course back up your original mission script before pasting this one into the scripts folder. Just in case.

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2009, 12:31:17 am »
Been a while since I played SFC3.  But here's what I remember.

Borg were only playable in the "Best Buy" version.  They had a mini Campaign that ran for four missions, as opposed to the Fed/Klink/Roms 10.  The Mini Campaign was included in a 1.01 patch for those that didn't buy it from Best Buy.  I do believe that all four races had a "Conquest" campaign.

There are Pirates, not playable, but the only Pirate ships are the Rakelli Frigate and Light Cruiser, the Pirate Frigate and Light Cruiser, and then the Ferengi Marauder (another Frigate in the stock game).

I don't remember ever seeing Monsters in the stock game.  Although I do remember one mod that added them to it.

I have no answer for the scripting API question.
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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2009, 05:42:22 am »
Thanks for the info Q. I guess I'll have to get my old computer up and running, then patch the SFC3 install on it and see if any revisions to the scripting API are included. Then I can test my script above too. Oh wait, will I need the CD to launch the game or does the ini setting MakeItSo=1 work on SFC3 too?

I'll need to figure out where the races actually in use are defined, as the script I built above will not use any pirates at all. I bet they're defined as kSpecRakellian or something.

No monsters - cool, that takes care of one missing aspect.

What is the standard patch sequence for SFC3? Is it 1.01 or 534b or something? You-Cheng, are you listening?

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2009, 08:16:40 am »
I have not forgotten about this and will return to it.

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2009, 02:47:16 pm »

There are Pirates, not playable, but the only Pirate ships are the Rakelli Frigate and Light Cruiser, the Pirate Frigate and Light Cruiser, and then the Ferengi Marauder (another Frigate in the stock game).

The very first version of Fleet Pick (1.0) for SFC3 allows players to pilot any ship class objects such as a base station, listening post, star dock, Ferengi Marauder, and "Pirate Ships". I developed three multiplayer missions for SFC3; Fleet Pick, Spawn, and Team TNG Battles. The API (in my opinion) is the worst ever. That’s most likely why the remaining mission scripters left SFC3 Scropting alone in addition to loosing interest in the game. As for this retired SFC Mission Scripter I hardly received any feed back( back then) about the SFC3 Missions I scripted so I stuck with SFC2 EAW and OP.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 12:06:11 pm by Centauri Vaughn »

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Re: What will it take to get some new/updated mission scripts for SFC3
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2009, 03:54:30 pm »
Just got my old machine up and running, SFC3 patched up and configured for D3. I'm working on some OP stuff right now, but now I'm all setup for SFC3 script testing too so it will be ready when I get back to it.