Upcoming DatesJanuary 10th 2k10: SymposiaJanuary 17th 2k10: Speed Modeling ContestCurrent WinnersWe haven't had a contest yet, so just wait.
OverviewNow that the holidays are over and my addiction to D&D online wanes to something a bit more reasonable, I would like to take a moment to announce an idea I've been having for a few months now. A conversation I had with Frey has solidified my decision to actually go through with it. From here on in, I will be hosting two events that will, hopefully, increase community togetherness.
There exists, right now, a disparity, a rift between skill levels at present. Without, I hope, sounding egotistical, haughty, or arrogant, I would like to level the playing field. I have often been asked to make more video tutorials explaining how I go about making my models. I have thought it over, and decided to go about a different route.
I am proud to announce that starting January 10th, I will be hosting seminars, or classroom lectures, in which people can "sit" in on and watch me go about making stuff, complete with voice commentary, live. People are encouraged to ask questions, either with IM chat, or if you have a head set, by audio. I am also encouraging people to make suggestions to improve my own workflow. These seminars will be every other sunday, as I said, starting January 10th. At present, I can fit 20 people into the room, so its first-come first-serve, however, if this takes off, I may end up signing up for the premium service and I will be able to have more.
Every other sunday, starting on the 17th, I will also be hosting a Speed Modelling contest. Anyone is welcome to step in and model with us for a couple of hours. I, along with a panel of two other people, will rate the models, and announce the top three. I hope to foster a friendly competition for those among the community who are well skilled, and something to strive for amongst others.
DetailsOkay, so how are we doing this?
SymposiumStarting January 10th, at 6pm EST all one has to do is go to
DimDim.com (you don't even need to sign up) and click "Join Meeting". A little popup box will show up asking what room and your name. Type in "Robinomicon" at the meeting room. For Your Name use your Dynaverse name, please. Bring a headset if you have one. At the beginning I'll explain what we'll be running through, I'll walk through it for an hour or two, and open it up to a freestyle Q&A. See later down the post on what we will be covering for the first few sessions.
The programs you will be seeing me use will be 3ds Max 9, Photoshop CS3, and 3ds Max 4 (for conversion only). Plugins will be used for these programs, but I will try to keep people in the loop during the symposiums as to what plugins I'm using and why.
Symposia will be happening every other week.
Speed Modelling ContestSince symposia will be every other sunday, the sundays between them will be for Speed Modelling contests. The premise is simple. Come onto teamspeak at 6pm EST on alternating sundays, and I will be waiting. I will announce a theme and people have three hours to model out their concept on the theme. An example theme might be "TNG-era Klingon Shuttlecraft". Once the three hours have elapsed, I will give a 30 minute grace period for people to convert to MOD format. I will then open up an FTP directory on my domain that you will be able to upload your model to. You can also upload a text file with a paragraph long summary of your design. it can state what you were thinking when you made it, etc.
A panel consisting of myself and two other people (who will not participate in the contest) will talk amongst ourselves in a private channel and rate the different models. Models will be rated on a 1-5 scale in two categories: Design and Execution, they will be added together for the final score.
Design basically represents "how well did the builder think this out?", "Does it fit in with established design?", "If it doesn't fit in with established design lineage, how well does the deviation work?", "is the design original?" Execution is purely mechanical "for the amount of detail the builder put in, is the polycount reasonable?", "are there wasted polygons?", "do the different parts work well together?", "Is it aesthetically pleasing?". If you wish to volunteer to be a judge, PM me or grab me on teamspeak as we are going. I would like to rotate in and out judges from session to session, so volunteers are always welcome.
Obviously this encourages brand new and original designs, not canon ships. Kitbashes are acceptable if you acknowledge all those involved and they have an open policy (or if they are present and you ask them), but the nature of kitbashes would probably mean that you will not score as high as if modelled from scratch (kitbashes are hard to make look good). For those just starting out, I still encourage you to participate. You will likely end up being challenged, which is always good.
The models with the three highest scores will be the Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners, and renders of their models will be posted in this thread (above). Plus, they get bragging rights, for at least two weeks

Topics to be coveredFor the first few symposia (that is as long as it takes to cover it all) we will model, unwrap, texture, and convert the Antares-class TOS frigate.
What will you needFor the symposia you will not explicitly need anything, but I recommend you have 3ds Max 9 and Photoshop cs3. have something with which you can take notes, if that's your thing. Go to
DimDim.com and click "Join Meeting". Type in "Robinomicon" for the room name and your Dynaverse handle for your name (just so we all know who you are).
For the modelling contest, you will need Teamspeak and an FTP client. for Teamspeak you will need to connect to the dynaverse teamspeak server (check the root page of dynaverse.net, go to chat, and teamspeak, the connection information will be there). There will be a channel for this stuff (it isn't created yet, but it will be there soon, and I'll post what it is here). The FTP client will be uploading a model you make to my FTP server. I recommend FileZilla, which is what I use. Contact information will be available during the contest, so don't worry about that quite yet. Just have an FTP client ready for when you upload stuff. When you upload a file to the server, name the file "<Forum Handle> - <Ship Name>.MOD" for consistency.