Topic: SFCOP - Question re: Community Patch v2564 Content  (Read 3724 times)

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Offline Kumerian14

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SFCOP - Question re: Community Patch v2564 Content
« on: May 11, 2018, 01:02:44 am »
Hey, folks!  I had a quick question about the community patch for OP, v2564.  I originally included this in another post, but split it out for clarity.

The install I'm using in WINE is based on a previous image from a few years ago.  At that time, I did not know about the "community" patches for OP that brought it up to 2564.  I've been considering re-installing fresh, using this 2564 patch, but I wanted to ask something first.

When I installed OP and the Plus Enhancement Pack, I had to pick-and-choose which items to install, as WINE would not allow me to include things like the Mod Chooser utility (serious crash problems).  When I pulled out the items to install, I made sure to include things like the updated DLLs and stability fixes that were part of that package.  Are these included in the 2564 patch, or is the equivalent included?  If I'm running under WINE on a Linux machine, would these be consequential?

I'd like to have access to the HD resolutions, editors, and planet defense display capabilities of 2564, along with any bug fixes included.  Since OPPlus 4.11 is compatible, all the better.  I just don't want to take the time and have to re-start my campaign unless it's worth it.

So, does 2564 provide enough improvements / fixes to warrant an overhaul, or will it provide minimal improvements to my already-stable system?

Thanks for your help, everyone!
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Offline d4v1ks

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Re: SFCOP - Question re: Community Patch v2564 Content
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2018, 02:42:43 pm »
Hey, folks!  I had a quick question about the community patch for OP, v2564.  I originally included this in another post, but split it out for clarity.

The install I'm using in WINE is based on a previous image from a few years ago.  At that time, I did not know about the "community" patches for OP that brought it up to 2564.  I've been considering re-installing fresh, using this 2564 patch, but I wanted to ask something first.

When I installed OP and the Plus Enhancement Pack, I had to pick-and-choose which items to install, as WINE would not allow me to include things like the Mod Chooser utility (serious crash problems).  When I pulled out the items to install, I made sure to include things like the updated DLLs and stability fixes that were part of that package.  Are these included in the 2564 patch, or is the equivalent included?  If I'm running under WINE on a Linux machine, would these be consequential?

I'd like to have access to the HD resolutions, editors, and planet defense display capabilities of 2564, along with any bug fixes included.  Since OPPlus 4.11 is compatible, all the better.  I just don't want to take the time and have to re-start my campaign unless it's worth it.

SFC2OP is like that old car model that a lot of people like to modify.
Some waste a lot of time and money on them. Others restore, exchange parts, add new things, new interiors, paint, decorate it, etc.
Some take these cars to events, have fun, drive them daily. But others end up leaving them locked in the garage for years.
Of course, when we have our car, modified by us, and we see another passing by, one of the same model as ours, we get curious about what was done in those, especially when we see something we like.

So, does 2564 provide enough improvements / fixes to warrant an overhaul, or will it provide minimal improvements to my already-stable system?

I dunno.
It is like those old cars. Only we know the time we spent on them. And our time is priceless.
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Offline Kumerian14

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Re: SFCOP - Question re: Community Patch v2564 Content
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2018, 03:29:56 pm »
Hey, thanks for the reply.  I've been reading your updates over on the H/S forum, and it looks like you've made great strides in understanding the some of the code.  Very impressive!

Let me rephrase my question, as I think maybe I misrepresented my intent.  By no means am I against re-installing SFCOP and trying the new community updates.  I do this all the time with other programs, and I mod a little myself from time to time.  My question was meant more as a request for comparative data.

When I created my current image, I based it on the OP Enhancement Package v5.1 that XC_Pestilence posted:;topic=163396805.0;last_msg=1123056502

As you may know, this package includes about 20 different items, including Fests, Co-op Ace, D2 patches/updates, and model viewers.  In my case, I was focused mainly on the official 2552 update and OPPlus v4.0.  However, I was also very interested in the following items:

Custom conquest campaign *.mct files for single player by Pestalence using Nuclear Wessels scripts.

Conquest campaigns now utilizing the Conquest game map and conquest file as fixed by Pestalence.

EAW to OP Custom Single Player campaign *.mct files created by Pestalence which incorporate Nuclear Wessels scripts into the EAW to OP conversion.

Updated Dynamic Link Library files (*.dll) for improved net stability, reduced lag, and enhanced graphics as discovered and tested by Pestalence. File origins are from Taldren and found in the SFC 3 game. Updated 3/7/2006.

Additional sfc.ini entries included for Orion Pirate races ship engine doubling, Sets Auto-Film off by default, gives options to manually change Hidden race and BVP for GameSpy Arcade matches and TCP/IP matches, and turns on volley info to show number of internals scored once you breach enemy hull. Entries added by Pestalence.

Since I'm playing this under WINE, stability is a primary concern, as I've not always been able to run SFC in Linux due to crashing.  Therefore, I was curious to know if any or all of these items had been incorporated into the v2564 community update and if not, had the stability and lag concerns addressed by the .dll updates been similarly addressed in 2564.

I realize you may not be able to personally comment on all these items, but I was hoping to get a better sense of possibly which items were either included or addressed in some way by the 2564 patch.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

And, BTW, I agree--custom mods can be like customized cars in many ways.  One always wonders what is lurking under the hood.  ;)
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Offline d4v1ks

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Re: SFCOP - Question re: Community Patch v2564 Content
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2018, 05:24:05 pm »
I was curious to know if any or all of these items had been incorporated into the v2564 community update and if not, had the stability and lag concerns addressed by the .dll updates been similarly addressed in 2564.

"Updated Dynamic Link Library files (*.dll) for improved net stability, reduced lag, and enhanced graphics as discovered and tested by Pestalence. File origin is from Taldren in the SFC 3 game."

SFC2OP, apart from the Windows and DirectX libraries, only needs 4 DLLs to work. And none of them help in any stability or lag issues. From those four, one is for debugging and the other for sound. And i never had sound issues.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 06:33:03 pm by d4v1ks »
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Offline Kumerian14

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Re: SFCOP - Question re: Community Patch v2564 Content
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2018, 11:50:41 pm »
Really, just four?  Huh.  I assumed it would need several more than that.  Looks like I might have some install work to do soon.

Thanks for your time, d4v1ks!  I'll keep watching your forum updates on the mission editor and such.
"Never fight a battle you do not have to win." - Captain Kumerian, Klingon Defense Force