Topic: What is it with Premier Basketball League team names?  (Read 1504 times)

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What is it with Premier Basketball League team names?
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:35:10 am »
Rainmen rip Frost Heaves
Christmas came early for the Halifax Rainmen on Monday night. And the Vermont Frost Heaves were in the giving spirit. Vermont didn’t provide much opposition as the Rainmen cruised to a 128-83 shellacking in the final of a three-game Premier Basketb...

What is the deal? I thought "The Rainmen" was bad enough, but "The Frost Heaves"?

I mean if they were going to go with all meteorological names they could have at least picked cool ones like "Thunderstrike" or "Tornadoes"...

I'd be embarrased to enter the court after being announced as either The Rainmen or The Frost Heaves.

Anybody know the story behind this?

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Re: What is it with Premier Basketball League team names?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 06:44:55 am »
I would say it is because they are all afraid of using a name that might be controversial.  Doubtful a frost heave will sue you for using the name.
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