Topic: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...  (Read 14330 times)

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Offline Raven Night

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Ok, she is done and ready for conversion.

Here is some information about the model...

Ship is actually 4 objects instead of one complete mesh...crew module and both warp nacelles/engines are separate objects connected to mesh, under poly group 3. This was done because I have already built the refit differences and this will make it easier to get the refit done, since I can just remove the group 3 objects.

She comes in at 5104 polys, no errors, properly scaled to the approx. size of the D-7. She has 3 texture sets, Diff/Glow and Spec in BMP format. I still cant make TGAs very good though I am working on that. This time glows are on the Diffs and the Glow maps as well, so there should be no illumination problems this time.

I also included a readme, which I will post here verbatum, and a plain house panel texture so you can make your own house symbol if you wish.

For weapons she has the front and rear torps, 2 medium range medium power cannons fore and aft in the wings, 2 medium range medium power cannons port and starboard on the dorsal deflector pod and 6 short range low power distruptor blisters with 180 degree arcs for close defense.

Her shields are about on par with a Ktinga, she has slightly weaker weapons but better coverage, better maneuverability but less armor. She should be a good match for a Constitution or Miranda but should be beaten by an Excelsior.

Here is her info...

KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser
Designed by Raven Night

In the Year 2270 the Klingon High Command ordered that a refit needed to be considered for the D-7 to keep it on par with modern mainline starships. The Ktinga rebuild was a result, replacing most of the D-7s in service by the next year. Morak, lead designer for the Ktinga refit also proposed the need for a lighter, faster cruiser to compliment the Ktinga and presented the D-6 for consideration. The design was rejected, but was later excepted after an extensive redesign, including a new warp nacelle design. Being the first ship to use the new “E” type STN series induction graf engines, the designation was changed to E-6 and entered service in 2295. IKV certification was granted the following year.

The ship is reported to be in the same class range as the Ktinga, and has higher maneuverability and speed. The vessel is reported to slightly weaker than the Ktinga in armor and weaponry, but has better overall weapon coverage.

This vessel has a single torp launcher aft and fore, 2 medium range disruptor cannons fore and aft, 2 port and starboard medium range cannons and 6 very short range defensive disruptors located in key positions on the hull (3 Dorsal, 3 Ventral), mainly used to defend against drones, small vessels and torpedoes.

The ship has 4 hangars, one main hanger aft that contains one small drop ship and 1 fighter, one cargo hangar aft ventral and 2 aft-facing bays, one on the ventral crew module and one on the dorsal crew module with 1 shuttle each. Like the D-7, this ship can carry ground troops, up to 75 maximum.

This vessels main strength seems to be speed, compared to the Ktinga. The vessel also has better overall weapon coverage, but its lighter armor and weaker weapons make it more difficult for this vessel to attempt to match capital vessels.

This vessel is reported to be on par with the early Mark 2 Ktinga class cruisers, circa 2270, but is inferior to the improved Mark 3 Ktingas from 2340. Mainframe upgrades are already slated for this vessel over the next 80 years, with a total expected useful operational age of 120-140 years. A refit in 2360 added more powerful engines, better armor and crew expansion, and a Dominion war refit in 2374 was a vast improvement, adding more powerful long range disruptor cannons, extended sensor capability and improved power generation.

Length: 218m     Height: 44m     Width: 140m
Decks: 16
Mass: 176,000 metric tons
Complement: 24 Officers, 101 Enlisted (125 Total Standard Crew), 75 ground troops
Power: 1 Type 3 Dilithium Warp Core, 2 Type 2 Fusion Cores
Embarkment craft: 1 Drop Ship, 1 Fighter, 2 Shuttles
Propulsion: 2 STN400 Dilithium Graf Units, 2 SBN3 Impulse Units
Velocity: Warp 5 Cruising, Warp 7.0 Maximum Speed
Weapons and cloak: 8 medium range disruptor cannons, 6 very short range defensive disruptors, 2 Type 4 Torpedo launchers, Type C12e Cloak array (2 emitters, 2 coils)
Shields: Type H1, 15 emitters
Armor: Grade 3a

Legal and Permissions

This mesh and textures was designed by Raven Night. Raven reserves all legal rights with respect to ownership and distribution/use of this mesh and it’s elements. This product is considered intellectual property and therefore must be treated as such. This property distinction remains in place despite the method used to distribute it, and must be honored.

This mesh is not to be used for commercial purposes, bartered, sold, commissioned or traded for monetary gain in whole or part without the express permission of the author. Any link to this product for download, either in whole or in part, or any product that uses this product in whole or in part must list proper credit.

The author hereby gives full permission to use, alter or distribute this mesh and all of its elements or parts thereof for non-commercial purposes without need for compensation of any kind.  This includes use of the mesh, elements, maps, etc in whole or in part.

No prior permission is required, but credit must be given to the original author if this mesh is used, distributed or altered in whole or in part, and this original document must be included with this product if converted as a single model, or the legal entry here verbatim if used in part or as part of a total package or conversion in the readme from the new author, as well as credit to the original author at the top of said document.

If this agreement is not honored the user will be considered in violation of this agreement and will be subject to legal action.

Simply put, give me credit when credit is due, don’t make money off this model without my permission and you can do what you want with it. That means you can tear it apart, use parts of it, kitbash it to your hearts content, use my textures, anything you want as long as the work you do is offered for free and you allow others to alter your work as well.

Please remember to respect anyone that alters this product or uses parts of it, or puts it in a ship pack as well. Proper credit should always be given to the original author and supplemental authors.


Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise are all registered trademarks of CBS Paramount Television. All rights reserved.

Any Star Trek products that this product is converted for with the intent of using in said product are the registered trademarks and property of the respective designers and owners of said products, and as such should be properly noted and credited. This mesh is a standard Max 5 mesh and is not directly intended for use in any specific product, though open permission for conversion is given if prior permission agreements above are honored.

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2009, 10:04:48 am »
I don´t have the proper skills to help you in doing a "in game" version, but I would love to play with her in 3dsmax. :D If interested in a max conversion, this I can do. ;)

Offline Major A Payne

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2009, 03:00:35 pm »
Highly impressive work Raven. Whats the final poly count??

Offline Shadowfleet

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, 04:16:50 pm »
I'd be happy to convert her for you Raven. In fact it'd be an honor if you'd let me.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2009, 03:10:57 am »
She came out really nice, Raven. Real nice work.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2009, 07:13:05 pm »
What r them tan pods on the back parts of the wing?

Offline Starforce2

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2009, 02:28:01 am »
kling-on's :laugh:

Offline pepperman

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2009, 08:34:43 am »

I am thinking you are rapidly approaching the "mater" status when it comes to design and building these Klingon ships.  I'll be glad to convert it over to the Armada community for you. 

Offline KBF_Gow

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2009, 04:21:35 am »
I really like this ship, shows her TOS D7 roots clearly, but shows some evolution, something I really like to see.

and gawd, I hate most TMP-TNG Klingon  CA hulls with a purple passion.

Offline Tulwar

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2009, 11:12:02 pm »
I really like this ship, shows her TOS D7 roots clearly, but shows some evolution, something I really like to see.

and gawd, I hate most TMP-TNG Klingon  CA hulls with a purple passion.

I agree 100%.  I think the T'Kinga was particularly handsome, except it had too many gimblies.  It's really hard for me to swallow any TNG ship, because of the big, red "bossard scoops" on the warp engines.  I just can't suspend disbelief.  They look like they should squeek when you sweeze them in the bathtub.
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Offline Starforce2

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2009, 12:23:05 am »
anyone have a mod conversion of this yet?

Offline Shadowfleet

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2010, 12:55:51 pm »
Raven - if you haven't passed her on to someone else to convert to SFC - I'd still be happy to do it. Just send her to me via the email in my profile and I'll convert and send her back to you.


Offline Ervinc

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2010, 09:53:20 pm »

Offline Raven Night

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2010, 05:37:50 am »
Ok, I sent the info to you shadowfleet. I appreciate the offer.

As long as you find the terms agreeable we can get to work ;)

I look forward to seeing this mesh in action.
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Offline Shadowfleet

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2010, 05:24:06 pm »
Raven, I absolutely agree to eveything in your email. And I am honored you trust me with this baby. However, I can't open the max format you sent me with my old software. Can you resend her in 3ds format? I'm sorry, I should have been more specific about the format I needed to prevent a delay or losing this opportunity.

Offline Raven Night

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2010, 04:31:32 pm »
No problem, Im a bit busy today but I will try and convert it tonight. Sorry about the oversight....I should just port them all to 3ds, as it is a more universal format for conversion.
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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2010, 07:32:18 am »
Hi friends!
Any news about this beauty?  :)

Offline Raven Night

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2010, 04:19:43 am »
My apologies. I was busy doing some model work for a game. Monopolized my time for a while.

I will try and get the file converted to 3ds and get it posted shortly, I have a few other things to do for this work set before I finish it up. Thanks for your patience.
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Offline Shadowfleet

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2010, 05:13:01 pm »
Raven - no sweat. real life requirements always need to be met before virtual ones. I'm ready for both models when you get them in 3ds.

Take care of yourself - all us trek addicts, here at dyna, need you to stick around and give us new and creative Klink model fixes. Sometimes I'll take your models and just let them spin round and round in 3D explorer, admiring them from every angle.

I guess that makes me a Klink-watcher instead of a bird wathcer  ::)

Also, even thogh you specialise in Klinks - you have come up with some tremendous Feddie designs as well. When those are completed, I'd love to convert them to SFC as well. I will always be glad to be at your beck and call. I'm only a PM away when you need me.

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Re: KDF E-6 “maQmIgh” (Dark Omen) class Cruiser ready for conversion...
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2010, 01:39:04 am »
Seriously impressive! Can't wait to see the conversion.