Getting closer:
function buildMediaPath()
var __reg2 = this.fmsConnection.__get__connection().__get__stream().getIdentifier();
var __reg3 = this.fmsConnection.__get__connection().__get__stream().getAuth();
if (__reg3 != undefined)
__reg2 = __reg2 + "?auth=" + __reg3 + "&aifp=v001";
return __reg2;

See how object oriented programming is perfect for obfuscation? Kind of at odds with readability don't you think?
It just makes no sense to me to write 4000 two line functions spread over hundreds of individual files when one or two would do. The OP serverkit suffers from the same affliction.
Sure I can see the application of object oriented programming in huge projects, but not as four zillion two line individually meaningless functions.
Here's a classic example:
function AkamaiService()
Oh yes, it is immediately obvious what that does, oh yes.

This, however, is getting me much closer to watching an episode of Life:
function queueMedia(connection)
this._mediaPath = null;
this._sourceStream = bbc.emp.playlist.item.connection.Stream(connection).clone();
var __reg4 = this._sourceStream.getAuth();
if (__reg4)
var __reg2 = this._sourceStream.getIdentifier();
var __reg3 = __reg2.indexOf(":");
var __reg5 = __reg3 ? __reg2.substring(__reg3 + 1) : __reg2;
this._sourceStream.setQueryString("auth=" + __reg4 + "&aifp=v001&slist=" + __reg5);
this._identXML = new bbc.emp.utils.XMLLoader();
this._identXML.load("http://" + this._sourceStream.getServer() + "/fcs/ident", "fcs");
this._identXML.addEventListener(bbc.emp.utils.XMLLoader.XML_LOADED, this);
this._identXML.addEventListener(bbc.emp.error.ErrorEvent.ON_ERROR, this);
Q: How many functions does it take to build a url?
A: Zero if you are a normal web developer. Thousands if you are the BBC engaged in security through obscurity.