Guys, I'll just say this. I am not a modeler. I've taken a few shots at it, and done a few extremely simple kitbashes. I do not have the talent or patience for it, and am very appreciative of those of you that seem to be able to do this sort of detailed work in your sleep. That's why I stay here, that's why I still play the game, and that's why I come on to see what's cooking. Fury's models of late have really revitalized my game. I tend to prefer TMP era ships, which is why I haven't said anything about Fallen's work. Under-appreciated? Not by me. I'm in awe of all of the modelers on this board, whether I like their work or not. I will make comments here or there, or make requests (I still wish someone would take an honest shot at an Ingram class Space Control Ship), but I don't feel comfortable making comments about peoples work when my skills are non-existent.