I have tried so many things. I even realized today that Bonk and Pest tried much of this back in '08 doing research today. So nice to know I'm following in good foot steps.
I've done as much as I can think for now.
Debugs, and other tools show the program is doing *somthing*, but there are no errors. I see a pattern that the slow downs occur most after missions and when purchasing ships and supplied, but how often is still random, not %100 reproducible. Sometimes it occurs while moving hexes for no apparent reason, or moving after missions works for 5 seconds or so before slowing down. I don't understand why results are only 80% consistent. What could be happening in the program sometimes and not others? I've been trying to expand the search into the database connectivity also. -- Logging into Dyna isn't even 100% consistent.
However its getting to a point were debugs and network tracing doesn't tell me what I need about whats going on inside. I've gotten the DirectX dlls into Win 7, no go. Bonk, pest and I tried all kinds of work with the networking of Vista/7, no change. Its either something else unknown, or worse, something only an edit to source could fix.
On thing is for sure, in order to fix it would be easier to find the incompatibility first THEN find a work around. Instead of time spent on trying workarounds when we haven't identified what the cause really is.
What I would like to try is looking at the EAW source. I read somewhere Dyna has it. Its a good bet that the portions related to the dynaverse are either very similar or dead on the same. This information would give might help me be more focused in pinpointing a cause and then finding a work around, since OP source can not be edited. It would be awesome if EAW in the dyna actually suffered the same slow down OP does.
So the call is out, if Dynaverse wants to let me peek or have someone else peek and tell me what I need, great. Otherwise its as Bonk and Pest left- dead in the water. I'm gonna keep trying this database route a little more, but thats my last idea at this point.