Topic: Hi everyone  (Read 2432 times)

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Offline IAF Lyrkiller

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Hi everyone
« on: December 06, 2009, 01:04:38 am »
I know its been a long time. I just wanted to drop in to see what is going on. And to see who was left.

I am now very busy at, I am a clan officer and server admin. IAF is a Call of Duty 2 clan, mostly.

Now w/ that done, besides the Forge, are there any servers going on? If not, that is ok.

Since my last post my main computer is very fast now. Go here to see the specs ;D.

I have my main system dual booted w/ winXP and win7.

Ciao for now

Captain of the MSC Maus
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 12:06:27 pm »
U'll need dual boot if u plan on playing SCFOP. XP is the ticket. Good to see you drop in. We have the Forge and are working on a turn based campaign which looks very promising. Using the D2 along with supplies and damage holdover, subsquent battles are linked together on an F&E style map with F&E strategic movement, build and economy. It's gonna be epic. If we can ever agree on how to do appoach battles to bases.

Maybe you can join us once or twice for some practice or skirmish testing missions. We get together on TS almost every night and have some matches where people rotate in and out. Quite fun.

Offline 762_XC

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2009, 01:17:03 pm »
You don't need XP to play OP, you just need it to play D2. D2 will run on Vista / 7 but extremely slowly.

And yeah, come test with us Lyr. Grab DH's mod in the Turn Based Campaign forum.
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