Topic: L4D2  (Read 1740 times)

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Offline Lono

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« on: November 04, 2009, 10:53:48 am »

As someone who was part of the boycott to say - look Valve you lied - and I won't buy the work you should have put into L4D1 for full price - I was wonderin' - any consensus on the new demo?

I love what I have seen of the ne Special Infected and Uncommon Infected - ut I must say the game does have a much more "comical" feel to it than the last one imho...

I hate the new close up view - but I'm sure that'l be remidied by valve since early movies showed the original FOV in the L4D2 gameplay - probably some setting that can be adjusted in the full game.

The new music is much less erriee too - and that bugs me a lot - but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I am greatly concerned about the melee weapons being rediculous over powered - but I'm sure that'll get tweaked in a patch...

Anyways - anyone have any opinions on the new release? - despite beign p.o.'d at valve I really hope this game succeeds in creating a great community with great mods in the near future!

Offline Lono

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Re: L4D2
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2009, 04:18:01 pm »
Finally got some play time in with the L4D2 Demo - not as bad as I thought - actually quite fun!

The new SI are indeed a blast to play against!

However - the big thing I question is the VERY powerful melee weapons - which is much less of a problem on Expert setting - but still pretty powerful at choke holds like doorways and such - you can hold back whole hordes with a machettee it seems even on that difficulty level.

Combine the melee weapons with the daylight and I did find myself feeling more like Rambo in an action game than a lead protaganist in a survival horror game - like I felt in L4D1.

I do think this game WILL be a ton of fun in versus - for sure - but I sure hope they either tone down the melee weapons or allow Expert Difficulty Setting on versus mode.

It'd be cool if they fixed some of the cosolization of the Hud and the FOV on the PC version (The Desert Eagle just looks absurd) but it's not the deal braker I'd feared it'd be - but a disturbing precedent by Valve for sure...

I was a member of the boycott - but I will likely pick this up at 50% off - sure would be a cool bone if they threw an early 50% sale right before or afetr Christmas for L4D1 owners only.

Anyone else likin'/dislikin' the new format?

Offline Sirgod

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Re: L4D2
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2009, 04:46:32 pm »
Man, Lono, I'm not even sure what this game is bro. I take it it's a FPS?

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Offline Lono

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Re: L4D2
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2009, 04:10:57 pm »
Oh - it's Left 4 Dead 2 from valve...

There was a pretty big following here when the 1st one came out and Valve has made a lot of controvertial changes to the sequel (including getting the sequel in out leass than a year after).

Left 4 Dead (the original) is a blast and has taken more of my game time than anything - probably since Battlefield 2.

The demo is only available until next monday I think so anyone who wants to check it out should go ahead and get a taste!

Good Stuff, Maynard!

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Re: L4D2
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2009, 05:21:04 pm »
i don't know why you are boycotting. just seems silly. great demo so far and will prove to be a great game i am sure. they are continuing dev on l4d1 so why get all uppity about it. both are going to be great games...
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Offline Lono

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Re: L4D2
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2009, 10:16:45 pm »
Well the boycott is basically about Gabe Newell lying about support for L4D1.

They promised to add weapons and campaigns to the first game - but when L4D2 was announced it became clear that they just decided to put those additions in a sequel with an improved engine instead.

A lot of goodwill was lost since people like myself pre-oredered the game to help support the devs to follow up on their promises...

It took like six months for them to finally add in the versus modes for Dead Air and Death Toll - which - come on - was unnacceptable to not be included day one.

However EVERYONE gave them a pass because we trusted them to add 1 or 2 new FULL campaigns and new melee weapons like they had advertised they had planned to do.

When they decided to release L4D2 in less than a year - and it included all the items they had promised to add to L4D1 (for free) - they lost a lot of goodwill and frankly pissed people like me off for supporting them and waiting sooooo patiently for them to follow up on the support for the game.

Clearly - it's just a matter of naked greed with them so obviously catering to the console crowd this time - so Gabe can kiss my friggin' a$$ - and I told him so already.

I will also use my dollars to send a message - the only real message I can.

Otherwise we might as well all roll over and take the kinda dumbed down exploitation b.s. that companies like Infity Ward and Activision feel more than ready to dish out to PC Gamers.

I would rather reward companies like Bioware - that actually put a ton of effort to make the PC Gaming experience amazingly rich - like the platform deserves.

So - really - I cannot believe so many people are so willing to throw their money away on companies that don't value their longtime fans - but I guess the Human race is just gullible that way...

(the two party system in America proves this in spades)

Sorrry for the rant - but I'm sick to death of people not holding companies or politicians accountable - when did we all become so damn wimpy and spineless?

« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 12:04:21 pm by Lono »