Topic: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>  (Read 4547 times)

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Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« on: March 13, 2003, 04:32:59 am »
I need to trim down the shiplist for the two of you since you will be sharing it.

Please give me every ship you can think of that isnt needed that I can axe. Make sure we dont leave any holes, tho. And we need to keep a few that are not command ships, so we cant phase them out in favor of a command version.

Also, make sure you have made a case for your fighterlist changes on this thread. Mostly, I am interested in FYA corrections and possibly weapon corrections... The Wasps are apparently lacking a fusion, IIRC.

So lets prune the shiplist of all the weeds.




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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2003, 08:56:03 am »
Here are my suggestions to trim down the list:

Fast drones, Medium speed drones, Hellbore fighters, drone fighters, + refit (both races), ships with more than 4 drone racks, ships with more than 8 fighters.

Thank you for your effort

SPQR   errr KAT-Losiack

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2003, 09:40:46 am »
Some Mirak ships that need to be kept .

Z-DD, Z-DD+, Z-CVA, Z-MCC, Z-BCV, Z-CCH. Just a starter, I am sure others will post.  


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2003, 09:42:48 am »

I knew that!

Which can we LOSE!


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2003, 10:21:00 am »
I know of 2 right off... H-CAV (14 fighters but totally useless ship) and the H-UH (10 fighters and even more useless than the Cavalier), and their + refits.  I guess that makes 4 then...


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2003, 02:42:54 pm »

I know of 2 right off... H-CAV (14 fighters but totally useless ship) and the H-UH (10 fighters and even more useless than the Cavalier), and their + refits.  I guess that makes 4 then...  

WOW and YIKES!!!   I think there might be some friction on that one.

Marcus Smythe

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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2003, 03:24:44 pm »
Okay, Hydran Designs that can JUST BLOODY GO-

Cataphract Commando Cruiser.  Bloody Useless

Traveller, Traveller Plus, Horseman, Horseman Plus-  Mainly because the TAR and MNG pretty-much put them out of contention.

Whilst your about it, chunk the MNR.  The MNV does basically everything the MNR does, and carries more fighters to boot.

Note To Admin-CHC and CHA are HEAVY COMMAND CRUISERS.  Not BCHs.  Note also that the LM and LB should leave production when the CHC and CHA enter.  The LC really ought go at that point, as well.

AXCVL- The AuxCVA has twice the fighters, nuff said.  Gone.

Comanche-I have never flown this ship in the 3+ years ive played Hydran.  Its simply a poor cousin to the Apache and Baron.  That said, im told some Hydrans like it, so only axe it if  you REALLY need space.

Cossack-Has ANYONE ever flown one of these?  Its a Cavalier Lite.  Buy the Real  Thing.

D7H-Cute.  Power poor.  Usually restricted and thus never produced, anyway.

IC and IC+.  Denied their 40-fighter glory from SFB, their simply Iron Dukes without the heavy weapons.  For the cost of a DN, I coulda bought about 12 Cavaliers that do the same damn thing.

LNG, LNG+-Commando Ship.   3 Trannys.  No heavy weapons.  Bye!

NSC, NSC+-Chasseur New Scout Cruiser.  Scouts dont Scout.  No heavy weapons.  Never ever flown

NVL, NVL+.. shares a YIS with the BAR, which has 2 less fighters, 2 more Hellbores, 2 More Fusions, and 8 more power.  Why buy an NVL, again?

RNT-This aint a tutorial, people.  Loose the Tutorial Cruiser.

SC-Its a Scout.  Its 26 BPV.  Its overpriced.

SR, SR+... Outrider Survey Ship.  Translate-Scout.  GONE!

TLM-Is this a Tourney?  No?  Then no Tourneyship  


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2003, 11:50:34 pm »

Cossack-Has ANYONE ever flown one of these?  Its a Cavalier Lite.  Buy the Real  Thing.


I have.  She's more maneuverable than the Cavalier, and since they both have Light Cruiser phaser armament, I'm more comfortable with an actual Light Cruiser hull than a piggish CVA hull.  Besides, the Cossack is about half price and you only lose 2 or 4 fighters (can't remember which).

At least, if you keep the CAV, use the Ranger (CA)  hull insead of the CVA, it just makes more sense.

Marcus Smythe

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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2003, 02:16:41 am »
Hmm... your trading 4 fighters (10 v 14) for a Turn Mode from C to B.  Not worth it to me, but if someone likes it, then by all means leave it in.

And id like to see all ships use their proper hulls... CAV, like the OS, is built on what is ultimately a RN hull.  


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2003, 07:38:22 am »


Cossack-Has ANYONE ever flown one of these?  Its a Cavalier Lite.  Buy the Real  Thing.


I have.  She's more maneuverable than the Cavalier, and since they both have Light Cruiser phaser armament, I'm more comfortable with an actual Light Cruiser hull than a piggish CVA hull.  Besides, the Cossack is about half price and you only lose 2 or 4 fighters (can't remember which).

At least, if you keep the CAV, use the Ranger (CA)  hull insead of the CVA, it just makes more sense.  

The CAV is a Ranger/CA hull the model is just the same as the bigger DN based CVA's.  If you take a peek at it's specs you'll find the same setup as the ranger/CA


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2003, 08:50:17 am »

Is it possible to cut all you need by limiting the list to only ships that would/will appear in SG3's timeframe?  That might leave you an opportunity to cut the refit models (for an early era dyna) or the basic models (for a late era one).

If SG is going to run the full gambit though, assuming stock ships are used, then these are the Mirak ships I avoid or are redundant:

MEC or MAC (cut one or the other)
CD (others like it but it is just a CA with a bunch of drones and an inability to control them)


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2003, 09:20:34 am »
Yes, the shiplist phases out older models when their refit appears. Keeps the shipyard cleaner.

The only problem lies in that the shipyard needs to provide 2x races with adequate ship choices.

I'll post a list of all mirak hydran ships soon.


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2003, 11:48:34 am »
Ships that can be cut:


Both the CA, BC and BC+ even with the improved dizzy arcs from AOTK, will never be used by any sane MIrak.  Although who said we were sane?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fluf »


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2003, 12:06:53 pm »
I'll cut most of them, although, I will certainly make 'guest' appearances out of some of them.

A few ships, simply have to remain, for various reasons.

I'll post the list soon... Then tell me what you think....


I phased out the CS in 2265 when the CC comes in. Gotta have a cpl ships available in beginning era.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2003, 03:15:43 pm by Dizzy »


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2003, 02:44:14 pm »

Ships that can be cut:



I agree w/ what Fluf said, but I have used an AFF as an escort in the past (but not often), as a wing it tears up hydran fighters w/o a big cost in bpv that beefs up the enemy AI.  I still contend the CD is a POS and only one version of the MEC/MAC needs to exist.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2003, 07:06:23 pm »
Good list of crappy ships Fluf. Green, you are right. No need to contend, the CD is a real POS.

The CL and CA are so worthless, I would be surprised to find any Kzin who would willingly fly one.  


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Re: Mirak and Hydran Players on SG3>>> l()()ky here>>>>
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2003, 02:03:37 am »
Agreed Dizzy, you have to leave something in there for the enemy to kill lol.  CS and the CL are 25 to 35 year old ships the Kzin used to kill themselves in.  Green has a point about the AFF.  However, the MAC/MEC should probably both be left in, as they are both the same ship, but one is a refit with 12 drone control.  Just phase one out when the other comes in.

There are basically only a handful of ships most Mirak will fly.   The DD, MDC, MCC, CC, CCH, BCH, BCV and CVA along with the escorts are the only ships we use until we get the War Destroyers.  Then you will see the DWD and DWL used occasionaly with the DWE as an escort for carriers.  Most Mirak will fly the DD exclusively until the MDC comes out.