Topic: OP scripts question  (Read 2220 times)

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Offline Spartan159

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OP scripts question
« on: November 24, 2009, 07:32:46 pm »
what is the difference between the Met_ED missions and the Met_NW missions? I noticed on a quick test run that the ED missions I saw had Patrol* when offered, also it seemed they were offered more than the NW versions.  Would I be able to remove the * somehow? (hex edit perhaps?)

What I am looking for is a varied mix of missions, preferably not weighted toward one or another.  While I am at it, should I include the original scripts in the mix?  I had gathered the NW scripts were "improved" versions of the originals.  And the XC missions are just harder versions correct?   

While I am at it I have found some Met_Stk missions as well.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.