Taldrenites > Starfleet Command CD Key Issues

OP Won't take CD Key...

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I know. That is the elephant in the room here. We kinda have to deny its existence in order to protect our own integrity. (I have had several taken down in the past, but I do not have the time energy or authority to chase them all down) I don't mean to be too harsh but we have a future to protect, I hope you understand.


--- Quote from: Bonk on March 25, 2010, 03:20:36 pm ---I know. That is the elephant in the room here. We kinda have to deny its existence in order to protect our own integrity. (I have had several taken down in the past, but I do not have the time energy or authority to chase them all down) I don't mean to be too harsh but we have a future to protect, I hope you understand.

--- End quote ---

Yes. i understand. it won't happend again.

--- Quote ---Does one have to have admin rights to just play OP?!?
--- End quote ---
probably, but you can try to make your user as the admin, if the computer is yours.

FA Frey XC:
Usually, this issue is a result of the following:

1.) You haven't edited the shortcut to add the "Start in" section.

You need to do this or you'll also get issues with Fighter control and other issues.

2.) You haven't change the shortcut to point to "starfleetop.exe" instead of the default one.

See #1.

If all else fails, try alt -tabing out, and then back into the screen. This sometimes works if you have the shortcut set correctly.



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