I am going away to Afghanistan in the next 3 weeks, it was supposed to be friday but its been delayed, anyway, whilst I'm away and in the mean time, I want to build a shuttle pack, starting with fed shuttles, (all of them) then fighters before moving onto other races, these will be released in packs via race not era. So you will get a complete pack of fed shuttles all era's plus some new additions etc, then all klinks etc etc.. ya see where it is going. These shuttles and fighters will all be high quality that said.
Question 1: what do you think the poly limit should be:
Question 2: what do you think the max tex file size should be:
I was thinking max poly of 500 and max texture size of 1024's with todays tech that should be good.
Any model submissions you guys have will be appreciated as this will be a long project, and I'm starting with the feds.
Finally anyone who wishes to help out here and there may do so, but the final packs won't be released until a race is completed.
**royalty free**
Im currently working on the Galileo TMP shuttle