Topic: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)  (Read 30434 times)

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2009, 09:17:33 pm »
Dunno. They never asked for help in the past except the BCH power curve. But most of them were PF jockeys. In this set up they won't be able to do that.

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2009, 10:05:31 pm »
Well rather than debate this in theory we could fly a few Gorn v Rom 3v3's and see what happens.
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2009, 10:57:15 pm »
Well rather than debate this in theory we could fly a few Gorn v Rom 3v3's and see what happens.

As much as I absolutely abhor the idea of agreeing with this guy, he's right.

Also (of course) you'd have to try it different eras, maybe the Rms are better in early/whatver with maulers, but iirc don't Gorn PFs absolutely smoke Rom PF's under AI control? (or maybe it's the other way around..)
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2009, 11:05:07 pm »
Well rather than debate this in theory we could fly a few Gorn v Rom 3v3's and see what happens.

As much as I absolutely abhor the idea of agreeing with this guy, he's right.

Also (of course) you'd have to try it different eras, maybe the Rms are better in early/whatver with maulers, but iirc don't Gorn PFs absolutely smoke Rom PF's under AI control? (or maybe it's the other way around..)

t00l's right, we have to see how winnable these fights can be.   I'm game for tuesday night.
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Offline Corbomite

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2009, 11:14:27 pm »
I got all the info I needed in Rom vs Gorn in that fight with WarSears.

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2009, 02:01:47 am »
Also the SITs don't seem to be complete (I assume ffrom for F&E runs) there are no build/conversion costs for CWL/D5L for example.
Although there is an entry for the CLC..

Also think I'm missing something, wouldn't we want Coalition and Alliance econs to be closer together rather than farther apart?
As it stands (again unless I'm misunderstanding the way this works)
The Roms and Klinks together can just manage to outproduce the Feds, (devoting all their econ they can build one more CA in total, not each)
Which leaves the Lyran econ to go toe to toe with both the Kzin and Hydran ( 64 econs vs 42),
 and the Gorn are free to throw their own 26 against the Roms.

Is it supposed to be set up for staggered war entry?
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #46 on: October 17, 2009, 02:20:15 am »
The staggered start makes up for it. In your typical F&E game the coalition will grab huge chunks of alliance territory early on to make up the difference. The Feds also start very slow with their production, and by the time it gets into full gear the Klinks should have a lot of their space.

So, the economy difference is actually necessary to balance the other game conditions, in particular the fact that the Hydrans and Kzinti have to try to hold off two of the biggest empires on separate fronts for 6 turns.

I don't think any of this will be hard to duplicate in our campaign. A lot of it is already built in vis-a-vis the starting schedules.
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #47 on: October 17, 2009, 10:13:54 am »
Well rather than debate this in theory we could fly a few Gorn v Rom 3v3's and see what happens.

As much as I absolutely abhor the idea of agreeing with this guy, he's right.

Also (of course) you'd have to try it different eras, maybe the Rms are better in early/whatver with maulers, but iirc don't Gorn PFs absolutely smoke Rom PF's under AI control? (or maybe it's the other way around..)

t00l's right, we have to see how winnable these fights can be.   I'm game for tuesday night.

I should be able to make that but it would help to set a time foe tuesday night so I can tweak the real life schedule as needed. thanks.
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2009, 11:45:51 am »
The staggered start makes up for it. In your typical F&E game the coalition will grab huge chunks of alliance territory early on to make up the difference. The Feds also start very slow with their production, and by the time it gets into full gear the Klinks should have a lot of their space.

So, the economy difference is actually necessary to balance the other game conditions, in particular the fact that the Hydrans and Kzinti have to try to hold off two of the biggest empires on separate fronts for 6 turns.

I don't think any of this will be hard to duplicate in our campaign. A lot of it is already built in vis-a-vis the starting schedules.

The Coalition also start with more ships. . .

If it's a blow-out one way or the other we start over and rebalance.   On one of these campaings many moons ago, the KHH were playing the Kzinti, the Klingons lost most of their forces in the first round so the war was over in two. 
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 12:21:31 pm by FPF-DieHard »
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2009, 12:29:57 pm »
The staggered start makes up for it. In your typical F&E game the coalition will grab huge chunks of alliance territory early on to make up the difference. The Feds also start very slow with their production, and by the time it gets into full gear the Klinks should have a lot of their space.

So, the economy difference is actually necessary to balance the other game conditions, in particular the fact that the Hydrans and Kzinti have to try to hold off two of the biggest empires on separate fronts for 6 turns.

I don't think any of this will be hard to duplicate in our campaign. A lot of it is already built in vis-a-vis the starting schedules.

The Coalition also start with more ships. . .

Oh Yay
Those C8's will be so cool once the Feds start churning out DNL's.

Speaking of which,,,


1) Will conjectural ships be allowed? (ie Lyran carriers)
I can see a difference in my (admittedly biased) opinion on CJ ships that really won't have huge impact (a couple of Lyran CV's) and those HDWish things I can't remember the name of.

2) Will the SITs (very few) build restrictions be in place? ie no more than one STL at a time

3) Will other ships that (iirc) are far more effective in OP than F&E (the aforementioned DNL, likely others) be resticted somehow?

4) How would our starting schedules be set? ie Will the Feds (again for example, not picking on Feds) not be allowed to fight/build any ships until/unless the coaltion takes a preset number of EP's from the other races?

Also I actually can't find my F&E stuff , how do conversions/builds work.
Can I just decalre as many conversions as I want during a turn (subject to available EPs) or are they limited by something?
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2009, 02:06:18 pm »
1) I would prefer not, aside from Fed PF's (since game mechanics wise it makes so much more sense for the Hydrans to do the 3rd way instead of the Feds).

2) I would prefer they are.

3) I don't know the build rules on DNL's and fast cruisers, but I'm pretty sure they are limited. I would say one fast ship (DNL or CF) per year per race, as a substitution for an equivalent hull.

4) F&E has a set production schedule. We will use a scaled down version of that.

Conversions and substitutions are limited depending on type. We will come up with something that makes sense for the scaled down campaign that we are doing.

The overall idea is to have people flying line ships more than they would normally choose to. There will be cheese but it will be historically limited as it should be.
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2009, 02:48:19 pm »
Wish I could play but my cyrrent service provided, AT& t didn't let me use Dverse.  Of course I just switched to u-verse.  Anyone having any luck with u-verse?

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2009, 03:26:40 pm »
I would certainly be willing to play.  My work schedule is erratic, but predictable.  If I'm need to do more than just play I can do it.
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2009, 04:02:16 pm »
I don't have an issue with conjectual ships, I'd leave it to the concensus of the race-leaders. 
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #54 on: October 18, 2009, 04:30:26 am »
You said 8 RMs.  Are the ISC gonna be in this, and how do they factor into the game, being I don't know if the ISC part of F&E is fully released yet?

I'm not a big fan, personally, of CJs, you start letting "some" in and someone's bound to ask / beg / plead for one of the uber-cheesy CJs.  Slippery slope type stuff...  (anyway, the Lyrans do have a small scattering of non-CJ carriers, right???)

Speaking of Lyrans, wasn't the ship mentioned above the BCPP (phaser and powerpack refit)?

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #55 on: October 18, 2009, 07:40:25 am »
I got a start on an interface, but I see with the additional posts in this thread that you guys want ship-by-ship build points and settings. That complicates matters considerably. Er somewhat... It's already up to five tables. I gotta do some errands then I'll take another look at my start on this. (was tempted to add terraforming.. still am...)

edit: ah, I think the way to go may be like I have started, by class, then just add a check for specific ship modifiers... the idea of this whole approach is that the server admin and RMs do all the work (adding all the ship-by-ship settings and whatnot), this just makes the machine to get it done...

The idea will be to cripple the in-game shipyards in a way that does not destabilise the server, use exisiting oci shipyard configurations to limit normal oci shipyard purchases, then add the build interface and OoB pool of ships to the RM Assign ships page (or its own page)

It occurs to me (obvious I guess) that we are building an external economic engine for the Dynaverse.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 08:20:41 am by Bonk »

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2009, 07:56:14 am »

Looks great Bonk!

Very interfacey.
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #57 on: October 18, 2009, 12:42:21 pm »
You said 8 RMs.  Are the ISC gonna be in this, and how do they factor into the game, being I don't know if the ISC part of F&E is fully released yet?

it's looking like the first time we try this it's just gonna be the GW races but who knows what it'll actually be.
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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2009, 01:05:46 pm »

Speaking of Lyrans, wasn't the ship mentioned above the BCPP (phaser and powerpack refit)?

It is according to the OP+ shiplist, but it doesn't match the setup from SFB.
(which apparently used "B" isntead of "P" for either the phaser or power refit, can't remember which)
Powerpacks/shield/& the phaser refit were all available from Y168 (which is year 5 iin OP iirc)

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Re: Looking for 8 good men (or Hexx and Kroma . . .)
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2009, 08:01:04 pm »

Speaking of Lyrans, wasn't the ship mentioned above the BCPP (phaser and powerpack refit)?

It is according to the OP+ shiplist, but it doesn't match the setup from SFB.
(which apparently used "B" isntead of "P" for either the phaser or power refit, can't remember which)
Powerpacks/shield/& the phaser refit were all available from Y168 (which is year 5 iin OP iirc)

B = powerpack, p (lowercase P) = phaser refit.

So the ship in question would be BCpB ??? I think Taldren's BCPP looks a bit neater (and cleaner) :P

You said 8 RMs.  Are the ISC gonna be in this, and how do they factor into the game, being I don't know if the ISC part of F&E is fully released yet?

it's looking like the first time we try this it's just gonna be the GW races but who knows what it'll actually be.

okay, cool... will let me see how this pans out before I have to decide if I can commit to it... since it seems the GW races are preety much covered... ;)

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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