Hi there my name is Ic3Dog and i hope some of you can help me

here is the Problem ( I think some Server Admins canhelp with it)
I start to setup a SFC3 server in Germany, got the old SFC3 US version.
Got an own ROOT Server with Broadband connection.
Installes the Server KIT SFC3_Beta_Server_kit_build_v534_b.exe on my Server renamed it in the Campaign1.mct and a new Description.

startet the server in default (seems to be working)
No comes the real problem for me, how can i connect to this.
this have i done so far.
Installed Game
Patched it to beta 2 Build v534 b.exe
SfC Directory Server updater 1.02
I figured it out, that i have to change some TCP UCP ports in my router.
This has been done
or are other ports to be switched??
I runt through many manual on other sides and have no idea how or which one now?????
Have someone a real good guide which helps me thorugh it. Some German people want to play it like me

please post manuals which are working, and thx to you all

*bark* Ic3Dog