My mistake, starforce
So Riker - let me see if I've got this. These models that you are showcasing here are for sale, or are you going to release them for the game?
If you are doing nothing but just plugging your for-sale models, then as a modeler who releases all his works for free, I am rather insulted. I work my butt off making models that I then work my butt of to release for the public. To have a guy come in and advertise his profit-making endeavors is very discouraging for those of us who are doing this as a labor of love. I got no problem with people selling their models - we all need to eat. What I do have a problem with is coming to a community forum like this, where people make models for free all the time, and teasing "you want these? OH then EACH of you needs to pay $10 to bring it into game"..... not fair.
This is further compounded by the fact that you are selling models designed by another person without his knowledge, consent, or any sort of compensation. Atolm is a pretty easy going guy, he would have no problem with letting you model them (though you'd have to ask him directly) Selling them? that MAY be another story, but again You'd have to actually TALK to him about it.
HOWEVER... if you are here to contribute to the community by the same unofficial rules that everyone else does? then I welcome you with open arms.