Topic: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.  (Read 5475 times)

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Offline Spartan-039

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the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« on: October 08, 2009, 07:44:41 pm »
I have been wanting to watch this for quite some time ever since I first heard about the episodes in the Enterpirse series with the Borg in them. I've been meaning to ask, what happened in them? I can't find them in many places and I've yearning to find out. Help please!
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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 08:26:31 pm »
Man, I vaguely remember seeing that.  I'm tempted to say they defeated them by blowing on them (I mean c'mon.  They've been dumbed down so much a 1st grader with a bicycle pump could come out victorious).  I wish I could remember more, it's only vague images in my head.

Offline Spartan-039

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 08:51:55 pm »
Well, my family was going to watch it as we all liked Star Trek at the time, but we had to move THE DAY it came out and we missed it. I haven't been able to see a rerun either. It's frustrating. But from what I remember from the comercials, it was bad for Enterprise. But that's just commercials. Has anyone else seen it?
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Offline Nemesis

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 09:05:51 pm »
Has anyone else seen it?

Yes.  I have the DVDs.
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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2009, 09:11:45 pm »
and does anyone wonder why his name is Nemesis? :D

Offline Corbomite

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2009, 09:53:33 pm »
I have been wanting to watch this for quite some time ever since I first heard about the episodes in the Enterpirse series with the Borg in them. I've been meaning to ask, what happened in them? I can't find them in many places and I've yearning to find out. Help please!

Ummm, which encounter? The first, second, third, fourth or fifth?

First Encounter: Second season episode called "Q Who" - Q, in a fit of pique because Picard won't accept him as part of the crew (long story), hurls the Enterprise 7000 light years away where they encounter a Borg cube that had just assimilated a planet in system J25. Data notes that the damage to the planet looks just like the damage sustained to the outposts in the Neutral Zone that the Enterprise had investigated at the end of season one.

The Borg send a drone over to assess the ship's technology and Worf is forced to kill it in order to get it to stop disrupting the ship's systems. Another drone immediately appears, finishes the assessment due to adapting to Worf's phaser with a personal force field and proceeds to remove certain parts from the dead drone who vaporizes, then the second drone transports back to the cube.

They (inexplicably) ignore Guinan's forceful advice to leave and Q's teasing about how they are in for more than they can handle and stick around to allow the Borg to try and assimlate the ship (although at this time they had not decided to have them assimilate people yet, just technology). The Borg begin to carve up the Enterprise and eighteen people die as a result. The Enterprise fires everything they have got just to kill the tractor beam holding them and stop the assault. The Borg cube seems to take heavy damage.

They then (even more inexplicably) stick around to board the cube despite Guinan's complete disgust with the plan. There they find that the Borg are not dead, just regenerating and finally realize that its time to beat it the hell out of there. They return to the Enterprise and warp away full speed.

The Borg follow and and the Enterprise fires on them to no effect. The cube systematically kills the Enterprise's shields then warp drive, leaving them helpless. Q gloats and says he told them so and Picard is forced to ask for Q's help to save the ship, which is all Q wanted in the first place. A snap of the fingers and all is well, except for the loss of eighteen crew members. Picard confronts Q about having to kill those crew members just to teach him (Picard) some humility and Q tells him that if he can't take a bloody nose he should go back home and hide.

Thats about it. If you want me to do the other four encounters, let me know.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 10:25:47 pm by FCM-Corbomite-XC »

Offline candle_86

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2009, 10:51:11 pm »
ive seen it they covered there butts, the borg only said resistance is futile and never identified themselves as borg, also bioreadings where indetermante so starfleet had no idea how to dectect a borg

Offline Nemesis

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2009, 08:57:41 am »
and does anyone wonder why his name is Nemesis? :D


Actually the IKV Nemesis name game from an SFB Captains game 2 of my friends and I were playing.  They chose Klingon as the race I would fly thinking it the weakest.  That was when I learned just how much the Klingon ships suit me.  As part of a psychological ploy I named the ship IKV Nemesis and made a point of referring to it that way.  When I joined the Interplay forums it made a natural name.

The Captains game was never completed in part because I was asked to forecast the end result based on how things had gone to that point.  Fed - kicked out.  Kzin promoted to desk job and me = Legendary Captain.  Also we planned a 3 way battle with our ships against each other and able to use any captured ships.  I had already captured a Gorn CA and explained that in the Surprise Reversed I planned to capture all 5 Kzin ships and make a stab a capturing the pirate.  They didn't relish their two ships facing my planned 7 or 8 ships.  ;)  I wonder why?
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Offline Nemesis

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2009, 10:42:05 am »
I have been wanting to watch this for quite some time ever since I first heard about the episodes in the Enterpirse series with the Borg in them. I've been meaning to ask, what happened in them? I can't find them in many places and I've yearning to find out. Help please!

Below are spoilers so don't read it if you don't want to know what happened in Enterprise: Regeneration.


















1/ Extensive debris field found in Arctic (reference to polar bears).  Includes Borg bodies.  Note they had at least a day to study and record the results before the Borg

2/ Nanoagents regenerate Borg under study.  Borg assimilate researchers.

3/ Borg steal freighter and upgrade it to leave Earth at warp 3.9.  Enterprise sent to get it.

4/ Reed says the researchers "gathered a great deal of biometric data on these aliens."  Phlox helps him study the records.

5/ Borg attack another freighter and partly assimilate it before Enterprise drives it off.  Enterprise is able to withstand their attack (a proton burst).  Readings of the Borg life signs are "erratic".  Phlox gets detailed scans of "Tarkalians" in the process of transforming into a Borg.  Phlox also gets "infected" and carefully studies his transformation.

6/ Archer reveals his remembering Cochranes drunken talk about Cybernetic aliens from the future attacking during First Contact and their being stopped by humans from the future.

7/ The Tarkalian/Borg attempt to assimilate the Enterprise.  Enterprise detects the freighter which is doing warp 4.8 (referenced as having  doubled the ships top speed).

8/ Enterprise knocks out warp on the frieghter.  A booby trap on the Enterprise knocks out main power.  The Borg hail goes on screen starting right after the word Borg would have been said.  Presumably since Hoshi was listening directly to the feed she would have heard the full speech and it would have been recorded. 

9/ A boarding party attacks the Borg freighter.  Archer gets scans of some of the bodies.  Counter boarding action against Enterprise.  Bomb placed aboard the freighter damages it and the Enterprise booby trap is disabled.  The Borg freighter is destroyed but sends out a message to the Delta quadrant. 

10/ Phlox cures himself with very high radiation dose.
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Offline Corbomite

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2009, 02:53:56 pm »
Holy crap! I thought you meant TNG Enterprise.  ::)

Offline TAnimaL

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2009, 03:52:14 pm »
Just to add to this timeline-

Starfleet knew about the Borg - whatever was learned in "Enterprise: Regeneration" and what the El-Aurians (Guinan's people) told them after being rescued in "ST:Generations." (I imagine other space-going peoples might have had encounters or heard rumors about the Borg as well.)

Starfleet authorized/allowed/shared this info with the researchers that were 7 of 9's parents. They went off to find these mythical cybernetic "Borg" and unfortunately found them.

The reason that Picard et. al. did not have any of this info is because, well, those episodes hadn't been written yet of course. It could be that Starfleet kept the Borg a secret, especially after the Hansen's disappeared. There also might have been a behind-the-scenes moment in "Q Who" when someone looked up "Borg" in the LCARS; after all, no one in that ep says "We've never seen anything like the Borg."

I like to imagine that to the TOS era, the Borg were a boogeyman, a kind of tale starship Captain's told over campfires. IMHO I think that they did an ok job of including the Borg in "Enterprise" without blowing the timeline, kinda like how they also showed the Ferengi without identifying them as such.

Offline Nemesis

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2009, 05:04:44 pm »
kinda like how they also showed the Ferengi without identifying them as such.

I find it hard to believe that a very minor Ferengi Captain was able to commit them all to stay out of the whole region of space that would become the Federation for centuries.  Someone would have wondered what the Captain was hiding there and went to find out.
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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2009, 03:18:00 pm »
Well, the Ferengi never struck me as being terribly organized. More than likely that particular Ferengi ship never made it home and had never filed a flight plan  ;)

Offline Soreyes

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2009, 07:29:23 am »
Well, the Ferengi never struck me as being terribly organized. More than likely that particular Ferengi ship never made it home and had never filed a flight plan  ;)

Naaa   They ran into a patrolling Kzinti DF who's crew were a bit hungry ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Nemesis

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Re: the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg.
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2009, 08:44:14 am »
Well, the Ferengi never struck me as being terribly organized. More than likely that particular Ferengi ship never made it home and had never filed a flight plan  ;)

Naaa   They ran into a patrolling Kzinti DF who's crew were a bit hungry ;D

Which doesn't explain why that one low end freighter (presumably slow) reached deep into the future Federation then no ships of higher performance managed to do so for centuries. 

You may also remember the episode where Phlox came up with a cure to help a humanoid race that was going extinct but Archer wouldn't give it to them because of the 2nd such race on the planet, that planet knew of the Ferengi as well.  Unless they encountered the same ship it means at least 2 Ferengi vessels were in the space of the future Federation about the same time, then none for centuries?  It makes little sense.
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