I'd say, try something different. Cargo ship, space station, Worker Bee, space monster. Those are good places to go when you're tired of doing the standard.
Personally, I was going back through some of my unrelesed stuff last week and found a ship I was playing with, an old kitbash of Mackie's using p81's textures.. I was modifying it previously ala the Mirror Universe version of the Okinawa I did, and had called it the ISS George W. Bush. >

It was a few years back, and I thought that it wouldn't have been a good time to release it then.. but one of the things I'd built into the Okinawa that I'd added to the Bush was a decompression room that opened onto space, with a force field keeping the atmosphere in. This being a larger Mirror Universe ship, figured that it'd be good to put in a mass execution room for the Terran Empire's political prisoners that'd outlived their usefulness. In the Okinawa, I just had a small room big enough for one person that I'd put a small image of a mime into. My thought at the time was "A terrible Mime is a good thing to waste."

Just play around like that, see what you come up with... doing Mirror Universe ships give you a bit of freedom as well to do things that you'd not normally do on a Feddie ship..