Topic: Post if you have a FUNCTIONAL XP system and are interested in another SGO server  (Read 21581 times)

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Re: Post if you have a FUNCTIONAL XP system and are interested in another SGO se
« Reply #60 on: September 29, 2009, 08:24:03 pm »
Every time one of these discussions breaks out I wish SFC was more like SFB!

SFB was/is always more fun to talk about than play.   SFC has the same amount of funness.

Nem, thanks for diggin up the Mirror/Mirror kill thread.   Reading through that brings up so many memories.

You're welcome.

I miss the old days of the BBS games.  The messages sent could be more fun than the games and I enjoyed the games.
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I prefer the early era myself (and dislike X Ships).

I also wish that Cole had been better at making sure that the newer races included "design flaws" like the older ones.  The Hydran for example are specifically geared with weapons that target their traditional enemies.  The original core races aren't like that, they have flaws as well as advantages.

I wouldn't say the Hydrans are flawless.  Try to take down a starbase with a typical Hydran CA or BCH and you'll see what I mean.

 not to mention that they are under powerd and extremly short on drone defence.

 I know this from experance.

Consider it in the context I intended namely SFB (as indicated by my referring to Cole). 

The Hydrans were designed with all Centre Hull (aka the 7th shield) as an advantage.  Their Hellbore was specifically designed to fight the Klingons of the time (neutralize their maneuvering advantage by hitting the glass rear shields) and also the Lyrans (knock down an active ESG).

In SFB a single cruiser was never intended to be able to take on a Starbase, that was a job for an entire fleet.   A D7, F-CA or WE couldn't do it either.

As to drone defense the only drones they initially fought were the early Klingon F-Rack and the occasional scatterpack and slow (speed 8 ) drones.  For that not only were the paired Ph-G more than adequate but the additional Ph-G of their fighters could handle far more drones.

Remember the fighter Fusion Beams were not range limited like in SFC.  Look at the range charts and you will find that the Rangers Fusion Beams plus those of its fighters could knock down a D7's #1 shield at a respectable range.

Ah, but also in SFB you could field more than 3 ships at once, so in SFC there needed to be changes.  Thus I *can* take down a starbase in a R-WE ;)

but I don't think the Hydrans are *that* lacking in drone defense.  Especially when you consider that the Ph-G is *supposed* to be defensive like the Ph-3.

Every time one of these discussions breaks out I wish SFC was more like SFB!
I always use the phaser 3 and G in defensive mode not for offence and on the F-CVS I replaced the 3 with a G.Klink fighers were to much especially those with type 4 drones.

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Every time one of these discussions breaks out I wish SFC was more like SFB!

SFB was/is always more fun to talk about than play.   SFC has the same amount of funness.

Nem, thanks for diggin up the Mirror/Mirror kill thread.   Reading through that brings up so many memories.

You're welcome.

I miss the old days of the BBS games.  The messages sent could be more fun than the games and I enjoyed the games.

I don't, I SUCKED at SFB.   I think lifetime  I'm 2-35.   The SFB back story is what sucked me in, it's actually what got me interested in Trek and not the other way around.
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Offline Nemesis

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You're welcome.

I miss the old days of the BBS games.  The messages sent could be more fun than the games and I enjoyed the games.

I don't, I SUCKED at SFB.   I think lifetime  I'm 2-35.   The SFB back story is what sucked me in, it's actually what got me interested in Trek and not the other way around.

I did say BBS games not SFB.

I did pretty well at SFB, one of my biggest victories was capturing an F-CA using a Z-CS with slow (speed 8 ) long duration missiles while not losing a shield.   
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You're welcome.

I miss the old days of the BBS games.  The messages sent could be more fun than the games and I enjoyed the games.

I don't, I SUCKED at SFB.   I think lifetime  I'm 2-35.   The SFB back story is what sucked me in, it's actually what got me interested in Trek and not the other way around.

I did say BBS games not SFB.

I did pretty well at SFB, one of my biggest victories was capturing an F-CA using a Z-CS with slow (speed 8 ) long duration missiles while not losing a shield.
What does the bolded part mean?

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I don't, I SUCKED at SFB.   I think lifetime  I'm 2-35.   The SFB back story is what sucked me in, it's actually what got me interested in Trek and not the other way around.

The concepts of what it takes to be good at both games are similar enough that, if you tried it again now, I'd bet you'd find you were much improved.  You've played so many games now I bet you'd be the terror of your old game group.  (Getting used to the reserve power system again might be our biggest challenge after years of "click when you want power diverted" in SFC.)

I'm with you on the backstory.  It was TOS the broght me to SFB, but I love the SFB backstory so much that I still buy every new product that comes out to keep up with it, despite not having a chance to play in almost ten years.

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I did pretty well at SFB, one of my biggest victories was capturing an F-CA using a Z-CS with slow (speed 8 ) long duration missiles while not losing a shield.

What does the bolded part mean?

In Starfleet Battles the slowest missiles moved at a speed of 8 unlike in SFC where the equivalent missiles move at a speed of 16.  The long duration is because we were using "long range bombardment drones" which instead of lasting 3 turns lasted 100 turns.   We chose to use them merely for ease of record keeping.

The not losing a shield part I'm sure you understand but to make sure, none of my shields fell and I took no internal damage.
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I did pretty well at SFB, one of my biggest victories was capturing an F-CA using a Z-CS with slow (speed 8 ) long duration missiles while not losing a shield.

What does the bolded part mean?

In Starfleet Battles the slowest missiles moved at a speed of 8 unlike in SFC where the equivalent missiles move at a speed of 16.  The long duration is because we were using "long range bombardment drones" which instead of lasting 3 turns lasted 100 turns.   We chose to use them merely for ease of record keeping.

The not losing a shield part I'm sure you understand but to make sure, none of my shields fell and I took no internal damage.
This sounds like really long fight as I can imagine and yes I know about the shield part.What in terms of SFC game speed slider would this be at?

Offline Nemesis

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This sounds like really long fight as I can imagine and yes I know about the shield part.What in terms of SFC game speed slider would this be at?

SFB turns didn't take a set time, it depended both on how decisive a person was and how long it took to roll and allocate damage (very time consuming).  The battle was over in 3 turns (the length of time to arm a Plasma torpedo) as I severely suckered the Fed.  He went very quickly from "I have him where I want him" to "how can I survive?". 

The Fed made several mistakes. 

1/ Forgot the phaser capacitors and correctly didn't think that while charging phasers I couldn't move as fast as I did while reinforcing shields, but the Ph3 were charged on the 2nd turn not the 3rd.  This meant I had substantial extra power and since I had been travelling slower the prior 2 turns than I had to he thought I had even less power than I did.   All that power was on the #1 shield allowing it to (barely) survive the partially overload photon barrage (helped by a miss).

2/  Didn't understand the forward center line limitations of the CS and allowed me to get him there and keep him there for consecutive impulses.

3/ When his Photon barrage failed to knock down my shield he kept coming even though all his phasers had been fired shooting down my 6 drones (launched 2 each of the 3 turns of the battle to that point).  Combined with #2 above this allowed 4 mizia volleys

4/ Assumed that because I fired 2 drones a turn that was all I could fire - I had 4 A-Racks.  The extra 2 drones fired at point blank range added 2 extra Mizia volleys (6 total).

5/ Even though in serious trouble he stuck to his plan to pull a HET after the over run and position himself to hit me from behind on the 4th turn.  This merely let me get 2 more volleys on his downed #1 shield with my aft Ph3.  (8 total)

At this point he knew he was defeated and was unable to disengage so he tried (and failed) a sublight evasion (drop the warp engines and escape in the saucer hoping the location of the separation would not be detected).  Given the condition of his ship he had to admit he could do nothing to stop my capturing it, which we did not play out.

Note:  We were not using scatter packs or suicide shuttles so neither of us had to worry about them.
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 I don't know how I missed this thread. I'm still running XP on all my comps right now, but I did purchase Win7 during the pre-sell. Whether I install Win 7 on all my comp's as soon as I get it remains to be seen. I'll be running dual boot on my main rig anyway. If Dizzy puts up SG, I'll be there.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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I don't know how I missed this thread. I'm still running XP on all my comps right now, but I did purchase Win7 during the pre-sell. Whether I install Win 7 on all my comp's as soon as I get it remains to be seen. I'll be running dual boot on my main rig anyway. If Dizzy puts up SG, I'll be there.

Dual-boot is the way to go.
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Still have a couple XP machines here. Would be interested in flying again. I don't even care on which side. Of course, both sides might have strong feelings about who has to have me on their team. hehe
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