Win xp, check.
Desire to play. Check.
Crappy satellite connection. Check. But I'd be willing to give it another try.
Dial-up is better. We've found through the years the dial-up is okay as long as you got a decent system and you're not using AOL.
Yeah, I did try that once before. I have a dial up option for when the sat con goes out, But the phone lines out here are about 18 miles of nothing but noise. One can barely talk on them, and if it's raining forget it.
Last time on a good day, I was getting just over 9600. Took two minutes to load up the dyna forum front page and 4 and a half for the Google News page.
I do appreciate the advice though man. Look at it this way though, when Windows 383 finaly comes out with the service pack that allows for Retro gaming, I should have cable, while you guys will have like some kind of Ansible telepathy connection going on.
The only draw back to living in the middle of nowhere.