Topic: Mission List  (Read 2847 times)

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Offline Herr Burt

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Mission List
« on: October 07, 2009, 10:54:06 pm »

A quick question for those who have run servers much more recently than I have.

There are a lot of mission packs out there, and between the servers up right now I think all of the stable missions are being used.

Does anyone have a list of the missions that do NOT use era-specific drones?  I need a list of missions that use slow drones only for the AI.

I could run all the missions and find out, but that would take a while.  If anyone already knows without a lot of effort on their part, it could save me a lot of time.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Mission List
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 08:26:14 am »
All the stock missions will use slow drones all the time (except for AI pirates). There aren't a lot of Tracey G or Karnak missions being used right now IIRC, so you might want to PM Evil Dave and see what he remembers about drone speeds. I know it was tried, but I don't know if it was kept in his latest official mission pack. I have kept every mission he ever put out (I think), but I never got around to playing all of them in a way that let me sort out the "bad" ones for what ever reason so I ended up with repeats of just about everything (by name anyway, there are subtle differences that ED incorporated). One of these days I'll sort them.

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Mission List
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 05:27:25 pm »
<scratches head>

Duh .....


<cursed lizzards!>

I dinna remember offhand if/which any of mine strictly use slow drones, but will see if I can find out without too much ugliness.  Now damn, I wonder which machine all that code is on???

Found the code, and I *think* I remember the criteria I need to look for, but I'm going to have to crack them open one at a time to check, so it might be a day or two before I get through the list of candidates below and cross off any troublemakers.

IIRC the missions that generate bases (other than listening posts), planets, freighters, pirates, and the specialty ones (like couriers, resupply ships, etc) are the ones you want to steer away from.

List of likely candidates in hostile space:

List of likely candidates in friendly space:

« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 06:16:11 pm by NuclearWessels »

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Mission List
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 10:05:36 pm »
Hey, thanks for going to all that effort, Dave.  I really appreciate it.  I'll start working with the ones you suggest, and let you know if I find any oddities.  If you spot more in your code searching, please let me know.

Corbomite, thanks for your reply too.  I remembered the basic missions used slow drones only, but forgot about that pirate caveat.  Cursed caveats!

-Herr Burt

Happy Warmongering!

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Mission List
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2009, 10:42:17 pm »
...Cursed caveats!

-Herr Burt

You should name all the pirate ships Caveat!  ;D

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Mission List
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2009, 01:30:30 pm »
Just to confirm - those look like they should be ok from a slow drones perspective.
