Topic: this has bugged me for years  (Read 23820 times)

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Offline candle_86

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2009, 11:01:48 am »
im nitpicking the writers and art department and catching there mistakes let me do it

Offline Corbomite

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #61 on: October 03, 2009, 11:40:37 am »
The Defiant is a war ship. It was stated that it was specifically designed to fight the Borg. Remember many of the crew were dismayed at the spartan facilities on the ship, most notably the sickbay and crew quarters.

Picard's line from "Relics" is
                             Picard  - "Constitution class."
                             Scotty - "Ah, you're familiar with them?"
                             Picard  - "There's one in the fleet museum."

All this proves is there is one in the fleet museum. Voyager was also in the museum (or at least the Ready Room) according to the future Janeway in Endgame, but I doubt Intrepids were out of service by her time. BTW, they made such a big deal about Voyagers bio-circuitry, but we never hear much about it in later ship design. Was it abandoned?

Offline candle_86

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2009, 11:51:47 am »
well its in promethus, also. Not sure about the Sovergin but a movie isnt much fun if its about chasing a computer problem

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2009, 12:04:06 pm »
well its in promethus, also. Not sure about the Sovergin but a movie isnt much fun if its about chasing a computer problem

Chasing a computer problem can make a great movie.  Heck if the computer that has the problem is in control of a manufacturing plant that makes killer robots, and mega defense systems for the world.  It could be a good plot device.

Heck throw Micheal Bay as director and maybe even Megan Fox as Heroine in distress and a mega block buster in the making.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2009, 12:06:35 pm »
The Defiant is a war ship. It was stated that it was specifically designed to fight the Borg. Remember many of the crew were dismayed at the spartan facilities on the ship, most notably the sickbay and crew quarters.

Picard's line from "Relics" is
                             Picard  - "Constitution class."
                             Scotty - "Ah, you're familiar with them?"
                             Picard  - "There's one in the fleet museum."

All this proves is there is one in the fleet museum. Voyager was also in the museum (or at least the Ready Room) according to the future Janeway in Endgame, but I doubt Intrepids were out of service by her time. BTW, they made such a big deal about Voyagers bio-circuitry, but we never hear much about it in later ship design. Was it abandoned?

The Defiant may be a warship, but the federation didn't call it that.  Its official classification was as an escort.  As for the bioneural circutry, we didn't hear much about it on voyager after the novelty wore off in the first season.  It may or may not still be in new construction, we just don't know.

Offline Corbomite

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2009, 12:26:59 pm »
And just what is the job of an "escort" (other than the pleasure industry defintion)? Other words you could use are bodyguard, protect and safeguard. They all mean the same thing with the implication that combat is in their primary job description.

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #66 on: October 03, 2009, 12:34:29 pm »
The Defiant is a war ship. It was stated that it was specifically designed to fight the Borg. Remember many of the crew were dismayed at the spartan facilities on the ship, most notably the sickbay and crew quarters.

Picard's line from "Relics" is
                             Picard  - "Constitution class."
                             Scotty - "Ah, you're familiar with them?"
                             Picard  - "There's one in the fleet museum."

All this proves is there is one in the fleet museum. Voyager was also in the museum (or at least the Ready Room) according to the future Janeway in Endgame, but I doubt Intrepids were out of service by her time. BTW, they made such a big deal about Voyagers bio-circuitry, but we never hear much about it in later ship design. Was it abandoned?

I would hope they abandonned the gel packs. Who needs circuitry that gets sick?
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Offline candle_86

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #67 on: October 03, 2009, 01:14:24 pm »
And just what is the job of an "escort" (other than the pleasure industry defintion)? Other words you could use are bodyguard, protect and safeguard. They all mean the same thing with the implication that combat is in their primary job description.

An Escort is designed to travel with cruisers and destroyers ect to provide fire support, just like the real navy. It would be used for Diplomatic missions where the probabilty of conflict would be high. Also the Defiant wasnt bought online till the domion threat reared its head, and I would except the ships where short lived, as mass produced vessels, either that or refit to include scientific equipment and removed some teeth

Offline Corbomite

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #68 on: October 03, 2009, 01:48:53 pm »
An Escort is designed to travel with cruisers and destroyers ect to provide fire support, just like the real navy. It would be used for Diplomatic missions where the probabilty of conflict would be high.

It was a rhetorical question.

Also the Defiant wasnt bought online till the domion threat reared its head...

Only because of design flaws and "reduced Borg threat". Who knows how many were built. We only know of the Defiant and the Valiant.


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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #69 on: October 03, 2009, 02:18:23 pm »
An Escort is designed to travel with cruisers and destroyers ect to provide fire support, just like the real navy. It would be used for Diplomatic missions where the probabilty of conflict would be high.

It was a rhetorical question.

Also the Defiant wasn't bought on line till the domion threat reared its head...

Only because of design flaws and "reduced Borg threat". Who knows how many were built. We only know of the Defiant and the Valiant.

 The Defiant didn't come into its own, until they let Worf and the Chief, have fun with it.

 After the fixed the warp overpower issue, and added the ablative Armor, and other Klingon inspired goodies.
 It was one little vicious ship.

 If I remember correctly, they said it had the fire power of a Galaxy Class.
 Which probably made it hugely expensive for its size. That  and the fact it was really only good for war.

 You would have a hell of a time, convincing another Civilization you came upon, that you where on a peaceful mission of exploration, showing up in that little death dealer.

Offline candle_86

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #70 on: October 03, 2009, 02:18:40 pm »
we know of at least 5. USS Defiant, USS Sao Palo, USS Valiant and 2 unknown Defiant ships chasing the Promethus

Offline candle_86

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #71 on: October 03, 2009, 02:19:51 pm »
An Escort is designed to travel with cruisers and destroyers ect to provide fire support, just like the real navy. It would be used for Diplomatic missions where the probabilty of conflict would be high.

It was a rhetorical question.

Also the Defiant wasn't bought on line till the domion threat reared its head...

Only because of design flaws and "reduced Borg threat". Who knows how many were built. We only know of the Defiant and the Valiant.

 The Defiant didn't come into its own, until they let Worf and the Chief, have fun with it.

 After the fixed the warp overpower issue, and added the ablative Armor, and other Klingon inspired goodies.
 It was one little vicious ship.

 If I remember correctly, they said it had the fire power of a Galaxy Class.
 Which probably made it hugely expensive for its size. That  and the fact it was really only good for war.

 You would have a hell of a time, convincing another Civilization you came upon, that you where on a peaceful mission of exploration, showing up in that little death dealer.

lol well its like Roman peace, we come in peace as long as your swear your life and your children childrens life otherwise we shoot now


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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #72 on: October 03, 2009, 02:22:19 pm »
An Escort is designed to travel with cruisers and destroyers ect to provide fire support, just like the real navy. It would be used for Diplomatic missions where the probabilty of conflict would be high.

It was a rhetorical question.

Also the Defiant wasn't bought on line till the domion threat reared its head...

Only because of design flaws and "reduced Borg threat". Who knows how many were built. We only know of the Defiant and the Valiant.

 The Defiant didn't come into its own, until they let Worf and the Chief, have fun with it.

 After the fixed the warp overpower issue, and added the ablative Armor, and other Klingon inspired goodies.
 It was one little vicious ship.

 If I remember correctly, they said it had the fire power of a Galaxy Class.
 Which probably made it hugely expensive for its size. That  and the fact it was really only good for war.

 You would have a hell of a time, convincing another Civilization you came upon, that you where on a peaceful mission of exploration, showing up in that little death dealer.

lol well its like Roman peace, we come in peace as long as your swear your life and your children childrens life otherwise we shoot now

  :laugh: :laugh:

Offline Age

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #73 on: October 03, 2009, 03:17:45 pm »
Why was the entire consitition fleet mothballed? The design couldn't have been that hard to upgrade, Oberth class ships are older as noticed with there 3 digit registry, putting them very old. Miriandia class registries also are right around Consistion class's and those vessels still serve and are smaller and more cramped. What was the reason besides a dramtic finish to Star Trek Six was there to retire the Consistion Fleet, I mean the Enterprise A was refit in 2286 and mothballed in 2293 that doesnt make sense at all. Also why are constellation class ships retired from fleet duty.
The Enterprise A was not a refit it was newly designed ship with real warp care as it didn't have warp coil.What do you mean by chevrons?Those are delta shield only the Enterprise in TOS had that other ships had their own untll it was adpoted for all StarFleet Ships.I never did see a class Constitution class at Wolf 359.They were all mothballed except maybe a few for diplomatic missions.

We will never know the fate of these ships unless there is TV series set in late 23rd to early 34th century Star Trek.I guess the reason to as they were mothballed is they wanted to bring in some newer designs.We don't know all the ships in Starfleet as they don't show any CLs which can fillfull many duties and tasks.

There as Defiant before the one seen in DS9.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 08:10:44 pm by Age »

Offline candle_86

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Re: this has bugged me for years
« Reply #74 on: October 03, 2009, 03:30:00 pm »
I would expect the Mirindia/Souyz to be a Light Cruiser firepower match;s a connie almost. Destroyers and under arnt shown, but Starfleet at the time may not have had any. Also the Constelation might also be a Light Cruiser but we have no idea the real firepower of one. Though on the Enterprise is Schematics for the Saladin and Hermes so they where also in the fleet somewhere canonicly just no idea of numbers or hull classification. The Centur also had to have been brought online near this time period given its hull configuratiion. But I still say there isnt a good reason to retire the Connies.