
Topic: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1  (Read 13285 times)

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Offline Centurus

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2009, 08:47:36 am »
I can use any ship I want now woot:D

I dunno if this is the fastest way but my light maps are gone and my textures are still there

here is the P81 Mirianda to SFC1

also is there a good way or place to backthese up, msot of these guys emails dont work anymore, so I cant gain premission to submit them to be hosted anywhere, though its a simple remove of lightmap

I just did LC and Darkdrones EnterpriseC to SFC1 for instance, the other Ambrassdor class looks terrible compared

and now what do I need to remove for a model to work in SFC1 if it was made for SFC3?

also if all it is is not putting the lightmaps on, why dont modelers do this before applying lightmaps and make there ships work in all versions, im sure im not the only one using SFC im sure theres at least one other

SFC3 ships, in addition to taking the lightmaps off the models, you also need to rename the hardpoints.  SFC3 hardpointing is different slightly than SFC1/2/OP in that in SFC3, primary weapon hardpoints are normally 1-11 and heavy weapons are from 12-25 but SFC3 isn't restricted to just using primaries on hardpoints 1-11 and heavies on 12-25.

I don't know how SFC3 HPing would work in SFC1.  I suspect that you'd have torpedoes firing from where phasers are supposed to fire from and phasers from where torpedoes are supposed to fire from.  But then again as SFC3 model hardpointing isn't as restrictive as SFC1/2/OP, could have problems.  Not sure.  Easiest way is to just copy and paste the hardpoints from the model you wish to replace to the model you wish to replace it with.
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Offline candle_86

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2009, 08:54:25 am »
ah alright

LC doesnt allow anyone tyo reupload or alter his work anymore. As for Darkdrone, he gave me overall control of his stuff. so as long as you keep derits and so forth you can either upload to battleclinic or SFC3files

hmm well I guess ill just rar it all and upload it to gmail as a backup, what about P81?

Offline Centurus

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2009, 10:29:53 am »
P81's models, as long as you give him full credit for his texture and models, you can mod his work to your liking. 
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Offline candle_86

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2009, 10:51:25 am »
awesome cause that P81 Mirindia i think is the best one ever made and all it needed as a removal of lightmaps to make it perfect lol.

Also HPB has SFC3 today for 10 dollars, good or bad buy?

got it and exchanged SFC2 for another copy, man SFC2 and 3 make SFC1 look like total garbage, I had no idea lightmaps made it look like that in game, im amazed
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 11:54:21 am by candle_86 »

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2009, 01:21:35 pm »
for 10 bucks which is what you would spend on a lunch basically will still give you more time of enjoyment than the food would have.

SFC 3 in the orginal state is not all that fun to play most of the straigies disappeared from it. It did make things easier but it became more like a flight sim for fighting, and pulled away from the complex combat of the others. Once you install the mods for SFC 3 it gets better.

The SFC 2 versions are still played even though the game is now 7+ years old, that alone is a testiment to the game.
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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #25 on: September 07, 2009, 01:59:51 pm »
well i have all of them except OP lmao, I guess that shows my luck, I guess no one sells SFCOP

Offline Centurus

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2009, 03:11:32 pm »
Try Amazon.com
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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2009, 03:15:08 pm »
I routinely see SFC:OP for sale on eBay and Amazon; after my first copy of OP was lost I got a replacement pretty easily. just look around some.
I've never seen SFC 3 for less than $75, so what's HPB? SFC3 for $10??

Offline candle_86

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2009, 04:01:54 pm »
yes i got it, and a copy of SFCEAW also, i check there sometimes for software, its how I got SFC Gold Edition back in 2000 they where selling it for 7.98 and I jumped all over it, before that my only star trek game was Starfleet Acadamey which I play and love to this day.

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2015, 10:49:58 pm »
I'm glad I made this post, just refreashing myself now on this, for the GOG release lol.

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Re: convert from EAW/OP to SFC1
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2015, 02:48:38 pm »
Just don't forget the unmentioned steps necromancer.  ;)

Open up the model in Gmax 1.2 (import)
Go to the Material Navigator The 3 ballons in the upper corner
You will have to select each texture seperatily, by doulble clicking on it, which will open the material editor
Look towards the bottom at the header for maps
click the + sign to open that group, deselect the self-illumination map.
click the padlock button on the right of the box, the "none" option will highlight
drag "none" to the box with the illumination texture filename
click the padlock button

Once you do this for all the textures in the directory that have light maps export the model to a *.mod file. I usually put a _SFC1 or _1 (name_1) to the file so I don't over right the orginal

Edits to original by me in blue.
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