It depends on how much fun one actually has with the game that determines if it will curl up and die or not, Ultimate Universe has consistently been in the top 10 at Legacy Files since it's inception on late 2007, and I suspect it will be beyond the release of Star Trek Online. Stage 2 of our mod will be far superior to what is currently available to the public. Take a look at that. You must admit that is a great shot - Moonraker TMP Connie..
Hello cousin Dash - how've you been? Did you like Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious this year? I enjoyed the 1st 2 and this years - Tokyo Drift I could live without.
KF - good to see you again. The lack of non-Federation ships is an easy explanation. The Federation is what everyone knows from shows and movies, etc. The others are always going to be secondary - The Federation is the hero race, so to speak, and it stands to reason people respond well to new Fed ships. I agree about the lack of non-fed ships, but the reason is obvious there. Mods I am involved with tend to gravitate to the majority public, with some team favorites thrown in.
The ships you describe are not widely known, at least by the people I've seen commenting on and playing Ultimate Universe. SFB is niche and if I put a Hydran or Lyran in Ultimate Universe, I would get more than a few 'where did that come from' questions - although UAW had a modified Lyran DN that I wouldn't mind having in Ultimate Universe. We will have Tholians at some point. I proposed some Gorn for Enterprise and TOS eras, and they may happen.
SFC and BC have 4-6 more years of life so far that Legacy has so there's your ship number difference. I am not saying Legacy is a great game. I am saying it is a fun game, for myself and the many thousands that have downloaded and played Ultimate Universe. .
The one thing I always wanted for Universe At War for Orion Pirates during it's development was the kind of eye candy we get with Legacy now - eye candy that even beats BC. For some reason, I cannot get my head back into BC - on any level, even by playing maps that I personally made - just cant do it. I spent the all of 2003 and part of 04 in python and one day just said 'enough!'. I had a few little mods along the way.
You don't need to be a programmer to modify an odf file in Legacy to achieve desired results, and as far as converting stock Legacy ships to SFC, that would be up to the SFC community's modelers. Maybe they've not had the desire. SFC is/was a great game - I still fire up OP - and I'll be getting with Bonk on a new idea for an OP mod - but I must defend, not stock Legacy, but our Ultimate Universe. We are combining the eye candy with scripted missions with content and strategy (a lot by myself) and a lot of dedicated team members.
I'm not here to promote Ultimate Universe, just to say hello to you and to say I very much support the SFC series and the community on this forum.
No offense taken KF - but I had to respond to some things you said.