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Topic: What game is this?  (Read 1260 times)

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Offline Czar Mohab

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What game is this?
« on: July 26, 2009, 07:54:59 pm »
I have tried google, et al, but have not been able to find the name (let alone if it is still sold) of a game I played 1998-1999. The local hobby store was going out of buisness and got many a sweet deal on SFB modules and, eventually, this game.

But I only recall a few bits and pieces of it.

It was based on fighters in space with a simple hex map. There were hints of expansions that I did read; going into corvettes and larger classes.

The DAC was interesting as you would roll your die (or was it dice?), move that many spaces on the DAC and damage/destroy the system it landed on, repeating for each damage point. Shield values only protected the ship from that number or less damage (if your shield was 4 and you got hit with a 4 you were good, at 5+ it went through) and whatever went through impacted the armor at full strength (the 5 above would hit your armor for 5) but the damage done would be, more or less, in a shape similar to Tetris pieces. Whatever went through of the shape would go to the DAC.

You could build and customize your own fighters (and in this edition modify the two corvettes that came with it) and movement was based on (total engine power)/(total mass) or something similar. turning was accomplished by first physically turning your unit (after which if you did nothing else you could be facing any direction while still moving, say, direction A) then applying the appropriate thrust for the new direction.

Fighters took up one hex, the corvettes took up two. the corvettes also had a turret option (i think it was optional).

Any help with what this game is called would be appreciated. Been bugging me for a while not knowing.

Czar "I'll add info as I recall it," Mohab
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: What game is this?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2009, 09:22:56 pm »
Hmm, not much to work with.  AT first I thought you were asking about a PC game, but then realized that you were asking about a Wargame.  I turned to the matter expert that I know of and he suggested that you turn to the experts at a site called Boardgamegeek.com or consimworld where guys know these games inside and out. 

For the time frame that you suggest, being 1997 to 1998 he came up with only one game that he really thought may be what you played...though if the game were available for LONGER than that, it could open up many more possibilities.  The game he suggested was


It sounds like it could be "Squadron Commander 3600" of which a link is http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/16716  and which involved you controlling squads of fighters on a hex board.  It never came out with any expansions that I know of though, but they may have expected to get expansions but never came out with them.

Knowing you Dash, at first I thought to simply tease you with this http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/15805 and say...be careful of doom my young laddie...

But hey.  If he really wants a better answer I'd suggest he go to Boardgamegeek.com or consimworld where they have experts that are far more knowlegeable than me.

I hope that helps you or at least leads you in the right direction.
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Offline Javora

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Re: What game is this?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2009, 11:15:14 pm »
If Dash's link doesn't turn up anything try this link:  http://gamingoutpost.com/  It might have the answers your looking for.  Hope this helps.

