Topic: Quick queries from an old player coming back  (Read 1704 times)

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Offline Jonnan

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Quick queries from an old player coming back
« on: July 10, 2009, 05:45:18 pm »
Apologies if this is misfiled- I didn't see any obvious spot for it after browsing a bit.
This is all Orion Pirates.

1: I'm sure I should be able to figure this out, but is there any way to force a higher screen resolution. I thought it would be in the .ini file, but I'm obviously misremembering - When I bought SFC originally these wuz extraordinary graphins, but on a 1650x1080 LCD they get blocky, and the khoromag ini editor doesn't have my resolution as an option (Though it certainly helps).

2: Has anyone figured out how to set up the standard orders that you always start a game up with since I left? I'd forgotten how much it irks me, I *always* set my priorities up first thing (Engines-1, weapons-2, ECM-3 Tractors-4 Shield Reinforcement-5), set up all used energy to reinforce shields, 1 point ECM, set my initial volley of plasma to envelope, et al. Of course, by the time I'm through reminding my crew to read their checkilsts, the AI's are halfway here.

3: What are the best mods out there - I'm glad Firesoul's still around, obviously I installed that first, and it seems to install all my favorite models from before, I need to raid Nuclear Wessels scripts, get the EAW scripts for OP. Has anyone ever managed to update the original SFC scripts? Because with apologies to Taldren, they were much cooler campaigns than than the sequels, despite how much more I liked the deeper dynaverse (For all it's limitations) and other improvements. I may need to reload the original and play it again.

4: What the heck is SFC IV?
Sorry - I couldn't make heads or tails of this in the SFC IV forum, but missed the thread right here- j

Thanks - Jonnan
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 07:20:00 pm by Jonnan »

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Quick queries from an old player coming back
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2009, 08:09:17 pm »
Apologies if this is misfiled- I didn't see any obvious spot for it after browsing a bit.
This is all Orion Pirates.

1: I'm sure I should be able to figure this out, but is there any way to force a higher screen resolution. I thought it would be in the .ini file, but I'm obviously misremembering - When I bought SFC originally these wuz extraordinary graphins, but on a 1650x1080 LCD they get blocky, and the khoromag ini editor doesn't have my resolution as an option (Though it certainly helps).

I have the same issue with my LCD. The resolution does not change the quality of the in-game graphics (as far as I can tell), just the menus and in-game ship's/enemy ship's status bar. I can't even get the game to load at a resolution higher than 1024 x 768 no matter what my desktop is set to.

2: Has anyone figured out how to set up the standard orders that you always start a game up with since I left? I'd forgotten how much it irks me, I *always* set my priorities up first thing (Engines-1, weapons-2, ECM-3 Tractors-4 Shield Reinforcement-5), set up all used energy to reinforce shields, 1 point ECM, set my initial volley of plasma to envelope, et al. Of course, by the time I'm through reminding my crew to read their checkilsts, the AI's are halfway here.

After you get everything set up you press Shift + Scroll Lock. Make sure ECM is at the level you want it at or it will save whatever it is reading at the time. Also, you can set your speed with it so if you don't want to go to a certain speed everytime you hit Red Alert be going zero when you set it.

3: What are the best mods out there - I'm glad Firesoul's still around, obviously I installed that first, and it seems to install all my favorite models from before, I need to raid Nuclear Wessels scripts, get the EAW scripts for OP. Has anyone ever managed to update the original SFC scripts? Because with apologies to Taldren, they were much cooler campaigns than than the sequels, despite how much more I liked the deeper dynaverse (For all it's limitations) and other improvements. I may need to reload the original and play it again.

Not much for mods myself, sorry.

Offline Jonnan

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Re: Quick queries from an old player coming back
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2009, 02:11:26 am »
Coolness - Well worth the post then.

Man - I keep looking around and seeing old names here, am I the *only* guy that went on to other games for a while -<G>?
