Sorrry but as much as I LOVE all things MW - you know this is gonna suck...
It's gonna be consolized kidde crizzap - for the ultra ADD twittering generation...
They have already admitied that they will be putting Halo-esque regeneration in it - which kinda misses the whole point imho...
I mean - the tension of strategically using a damaged mech to pull a Victory from the jaws of Defeat is what I've always lioved about the series - just like with SFC.
Also - don't expect this port to run on anything less than an I7 chip - since computers now have to be 300% more powerful than a console to run the same dang game!
(granted with better draw distance and other improvements)
At least Vid Cards are on awesome firesale however - I'm lovin my $100 GTS 250!