Here's a slight update. I know it's been a while but I've been preoccupied and lazy.
I decided to take Bernard's advice and I resized the impulse crystal and repositioned it. It was fairly easy to do.
I've finished cutting out the launchers for the saucers for the various ships. The CA version will have 2 forward launchers in the saucer, the DN with 3 engines will have 3 forward launchers in the saucer, and the BB with 4 engines will have 4 saucer launchers.
The neck will have 2 launchers for all versions.
I haven't decided if I should do a single or dual deflector theme with the ships. I thought about doing a single deflector for the CA, and dual deflectors for the DN and BB.
And I'm constantly redoing the impulse engines. I just can't seem to find anything I am comfortable with.
Anyway, deflector, should I do a dual deflector for all ships, single deflector for all ships, or a dual deflector for the DN and BB while the CA gets a single deflector?