I started out as a kitbasher, and I know that there's a small possibility that at least a few people, including myself, may want to make kitbashes from this mesh one day, so F_W was right, I am basher friendly.
F_W and I were and still working on a TNG Excelsior kitbash, and the mapper we managed to get unified the entire mesh, which I think led to a few of the problems we're still having now, but no way to be sure. Either way, most likely I am not going to unify this mesh.
Besides, there aren't that many independent parts. The entire engineering hull, including shuttlebay and deflectors, is all one piece. The phaser boxes themselves are separate. The torpedo pod/pylon assembly is one piece, neck is one piece, impulse assembly one piece, bridge one piece. The nacelles will be independent as well, so there aren't really that many pieces, just several large pieces.