Good Afternoon Folks!
First, I am a N00bie here at Dynaverse - but with some experience with Star Fleet Battles.
Second, since this is my first posting, please forgive me if this has already been discussed - but I cannot seem to find many posts discussing Weasels (except for WillWeasel ...

The Game is Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates; version/patch Here are the 2 situations I ran into:
1) I'm at speed 4 - and I have launched a WW to decoy 6 drones. Enemy launches a shuttle. I expect it is a ScatterPack - so I make sure NOT to void the weasel. ScatterPack breaks open - so I ASSUME it is tracking the WW since the first 6 drones has not yet reached the Weasel. First 6 drones hit the Weasel, Second 6 hit ME. I'm NOT happy, to say the lest! I was running 6 ECM, so the Defense Shift was showing 3 when the SP drones hit me.
2) This time I'm at speed 0 - Emergency Decel. I set my speed to 3 to make SURE I don't void the weasel. Plasma R - Enveloping is now tracking the Weasel. Enemy now launches 2 S-Torps & 2 F-Torps. R-E Torp hits WW. Other Plasma's hit ME. Again, NOT happy.
So, am I seeing a bug - or is there something going on that voids the Weasel that I'm not aware of.
Thanks in advance, and looking forward to the discussion!