Topic: Stopping BY!  (Read 8646 times)

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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Stopping BY!
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2009, 02:27:30 pm »
Well hello now the Klingons have moved on to this Ogame. Guess I could login and try it. How the hell is everyone these days? I've been better myself. Was off of work for 3 months after I had open heart surgery. Nothing like having your chest cracked open to make you see things better in life. Kinda of cool now that I have this big red 1 on my chest. So no new server going up anytime soon. Gotta tell  you guys I miss playing this game. I have a new pc but it has suckass vista on it so I cant play anymore. And from what I've read sfc4 is along way off from becoming a game. I'm gonna try this Ogame thing on Sunday hope to see some of you there. Reejr

Good to see ya around again, Reej...good to hear ya made it through that crisis OK.
Most of us are waiting for Star trek Online...killing time with Ogame, it's OK, but not awesome.
Recently started D&D online since it became a free to play MMO...had to check it out.
D&D was the game that started me on the path of gaming so many years ago in high school....ah, the memories...
It's pretty cool, a lot more action filled than Ogame.

I'm still playing SFC....looks like I may be the last klink on...

I will remain until there is no server...

You are not the last Klink.  I've introduced my girlfriend to SFC as it turns out she's got an unusual proficiency for flying Klingon.

Something about the fact that nearly all Klingon ships' phasers fire straight backward...
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.