Whats that suppose to mean Agave???? Dont make me dust off the old Ship and turn you scaly hide into my new captains chair 
I am on ogame uni 34 but dont see anyone on.!!!!!
My HW is at 1:185:11 in 34, Nail.
Look for any member of 9th fleet there...Some of KBF, Ben, Far, Kurok are there, we all joined the 9th Alliance...yep, we allied with the flatheads...

They're a good bunch, tho...for flatheads...

KBF does have an alliance in Uni 43.
And, we also all joined the 9th Alliance in Uni 44 aka Andromeda.
Andromeda is the great hope...most of us started the first few days it was opened (which hasn't been very long, a month or so) and so there are no worries about enemies with millions of points (like in 34) or even hundreds of thousands (like in 43) , everyone has the same chance. More aggressive raiding there, since there are few inactive targets, but no fleets of DeathStars to look out for.

Some other SFC guys there, Emerald Edge, Lear, Paladin and Deadman, just to name a few.
Buddy us up...