Topic: Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2  (Read 3843 times)

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Offline JonBerry

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Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2
« on: June 19, 2009, 12:17:15 am »
Good day all.

My name is Jon Berry, and I am a longtime player of SFB.  Late last year, I started a Let's Play of SFC2 on the SFB BBS.  It was suggested to me that I also post what I was doing here, given that you are the site for Star Fleet Command in its various incarnations.  Hence, I have registered and begun this thread.

I finished off the ISC Pacification campaign a couple weeks ago (Link to the Youtube Playlist: 
), and am now resting my batteries to go at one of the counter-ISC campaigns.  To that end, I am taking requests for which race I shall fly.  As of this moment, I have one vote for the Klingons, and one for the Federation.  Please speak up with your preference - but given my previous LP, I would rather not fly more plasma.

I am looking forward to continuing my LP, and sharing with you all.

Jon Berry

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2009, 10:58:26 am »
Welcome Jon,

I know I voted for Klingons, but now that I think about it, the Kzinti campaign could be very interesting. As I recall, it was also pretty fun flying against the Kzinti in their own campaign, so the 'Klingons vs Mirak' option could be fun too. It all depends -- were you planning on doing the ISC storyline from the "good guy" point of view for continuity?

Offline JonBerry

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Re: Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2009, 11:16:45 am »
To be fair, the ISC were the good guys in their own story.  Thing is, everyone is the Hero if their own story, so if I wanted to do the good guys, I'd have to fly as everyone.  And that would be a big project considering just the ISC took me 72 missions.  As for the Kzinti(Mirak) v. Lyran Campaign, I will be taking a crack at that one after this next one is finished.  But only after the counter-ISC Pacification campaign.

Offline JonBerry

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Re: Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2009, 06:26:38 pm »
I know I've been quiet as of late - but I've decided on the next Campaigns.  Well, actually, two of them.

The one posted here and on the SFB BBS will be another video LP, featuring the Klingons, and the intrepid Kaptain Ketrick Kole.  The other one, due to comments made on the Star Destroyer BBS ( will be a screencap LP from the Federation Perspective.

Due to running two concurrent games with different technical prep-work, things will be slow for the first bit, until I get into the grind of things.

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Re: Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2009, 03:57:54 pm »
To be fair, the ISC were the good guys in their own story.  Thing is, everyone is the Hero if their own story, so if I wanted to do the good guys, I'd have to fly as everyone.  And that would be a big project considering just the ISC took me 72 missions.  As for the Kzinti(Mirak) v. Lyran Campaign, I will be taking a crack at that one after this next one is finished.  But only after the counter-ISC Pacification campaign.
The good guys are Feds.

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2009, 09:31:35 pm »
The one posted here and on the SFB BBS will be another video LP, featuring the Klingons, and the intrepid Kaptain Ketrick Kole.  The other one, due to comments made on the Star Destroyer BBS ( will be a screencap LP from the Federation Perspective.

Cool - that is good to hear! I hope you have fun and will watch to see what's up. Heck, what do those Star Wars guys know about games anyway?  ;)

Offline JonBerry

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Re: Let's Play Starfleet Command Volume 2
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 12:05:58 am »
It's nice to be loved.  :smitten:

Say, as I'm running a Screenshot LP, I'll have to fill in the gaps in combat with story of the crew.  Anyone want to volunteer for the Fed ship?