I logged on to the server last night and played a couple of missions, I gotta say you guys have done an excellent job!!!! 
Thanks, there is a list of names behind the material in use on SFB-OP and it goes back at least 8 years... :
Karnak, NuclearWessels, Gman, Fleetdock13 [Anduril, Atra-hasis Cleeve, E, Ghost.fox, Lansing, Starfire, Stress puppy, Jeff Wallace and Wicked Zombie], Brezgonne, Chris Jones and myself. (all I have for the original author/transciber of the original EAW FnE map is a work e-mail and I'm not comfortable posting that)
I may be a little rusty, haven't played in years, but it matched my I-CL against a G-CC and a G-CL and the ship it gave me as ally was a I-EDD. It took me 45 Min's but I was victorious. I really need to get back into the game.
Me too, I drew a Klingon C6 Dreadnaught as a defender against my Kzinti CA in an Asteroid Assault. I had to bail. Seems tougher than it used to be. We're probably just rusty though.
flew a few missions, will be playing more. Doing Roms this time (have only flew them a few times including my SFB years).
Don't forget about Race transfers on the OCI (can come in handy for testing too).
This is looking pretty good so far... I'm tempted to lift the "test" label and just let it run. (same clock as The Forge ~ 3 month runs). Unless people would like to see a shceduled short term run to get more players... Hmmm what about scheduling "events" on long running servers with relatively static maps....