Topic: SFB-OP Testing...  (Read 19538 times)

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SFB-OP Testing...
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:23:40 am »
See info and instructions here.

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 05:53:03 am »
Very cool Bonk! Looking forward to it
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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 09:01:01 pm »
SFB-OP-04 has 327 readme files. It's a fact.

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2009, 05:18:35 am »
I logged on to the server last night and played a couple of missions, I gotta say you guys have done an excellent job!!!! :)

I may be a little rusty, haven't played in years, but it matched my I-CL against a G-CC and a G-CL and the ship it gave me as ally was a I-EDD. It took me 45 Min's but I was victorious. I really need to get back into the game.

Anyway, Looking forward to playing again.

Flying ISC but I am traditionally Rom.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 09:55:55 am by T-Rex_NT »

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2009, 06:16:54 am »
flew a few missions, will be playing more.  Doing Roms this time (have only flew them a few times including my SFB years).
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Offline Bonk

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 05:22:41 pm »
I logged on to the server last night and played a couple of missions, I gotta say you guys have done an excellent job!!!! :)

Thanks, there is a list of names behind the material in use on SFB-OP and it goes back at least 8 years... :
Karnak, NuclearWessels, Gman, Fleetdock13 [Anduril, Atra-hasis Cleeve, E,, Lansing, Starfire, Stress puppy, Jeff Wallace and Wicked Zombie], Brezgonne, Chris Jones and myself. (all I have for the original  author/transciber of the original EAW FnE map is a work e-mail and I'm not comfortable posting that)

I may be a little rusty, haven't played in years, but it matched my I-CL against a G-CC and a G-CL and the ship it gave me as ally was a I-EDD. It took me 45 Min's but I was victorious. I really need to get back into the game.

Me too, I drew a Klingon C6  Dreadnaught as a defender against my Kzinti CA in an Asteroid Assault. I had to bail. Seems tougher than it used to be. We're probably just rusty though.

flew a few missions, will be playing more.  Doing Roms this time (have only flew them a few times including my SFB years).

Don't forget about Race transfers on the OCI (can come in handy for testing too).

This is looking pretty good so far... I'm tempted to lift the "test" label and just let it run. (same clock as The Forge ~ 3 month runs). Unless people would like to see a shceduled short term run to get more players...  Hmmm what about scheduling "events" on long running servers with relatively static maps....

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2009, 06:10:48 pm »
I played a few more missions tonight. Man these maps are quite LARGE!! I again found myself outnumbered in every match. I did a planet assault, I drew a R-KR as a partner VS a G-CC and a G-CC, if that wasn't tough enough the planet was hitting me at a range of 95, and doing damage. After I killed the two Gorns I went for the planet in my I-CA. When I got to range 15 the planet fired no less than 4 Plasma R's at me!!!! :hoppin: So I politely bailed. I cant wait for Late era, or even Mid would be nice.


So far I'm having fun knocking off the cobwebs and kicking tail!! ;)

Rex of NT  8)

BTW Bonk, I never got my validation email from the Canadian east site.

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2009, 06:47:11 pm »
I sent an activation reminder and checked the mailserver logs, it appears to have sent... I think it should have the activation link in it (that feature is new to SMF2, haven't tried it yet). Be sure to check spam filters if you have any, but so far none have intercepted CE email that I am aware of. Let me know if you don't get the reminder mail or if the activation link is absent and I'll just manually activate your account.

More coop helps a lot with mission difficulty, problem is see that if it is easy enough for solo missions it ends up too easy for coop because mission AI is based on drafter BPV and this fact is used by players to their advantage (understandably).

Offline Corbomite

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2009, 09:20:27 am »
Hi Bonk,

Neat set up!

I'm afraid the Karnak warp mission will have to be pulled. It drafts out of era - I found myself fighting a F-NCL (2270) and a F-DDG (2267) in 2264.

Also the warp function is not well thought out. Some ships can't go 23+ even before using 3 points for Deep Scan. It took me over 24 minutes to get to the border going my max of 21. Also, when using ships that can go fast enough, there is a chance you could go to warp accidentally if you were speeding along and wanted to use Deep Scan for, you know, deep scanning.

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2009, 09:52:01 am »

Still no activation for Canada east site.

Email is <snip>. Please activate for me, thanks.

Rex of NT
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 11:06:55 am by Bonk »

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2009, 11:08:05 am »
Hi Bonk,

Neat set up!

I'm afraid the Karnak warp mission will have to be pulled. It drafts out of era - I found myself fighting a F-NCL (2270) and a F-DDG (2267) in 2264.

Also the warp function is not well thought out. Some ships can't go 23+ even before using 3 points for Deep Scan. It took me over 24 minutes to get to the border going my max of 21. Also, when using ships that can go fast enough, there is a chance you could go to warp accidentally if you were speeding along and wanted to use Deep Scan for, you know, deep scanning.

Did you double check the YFA of the NCL and DDG in SFB-OP? (there are a few YFA errors in there, I'll check when I get home)

Max spd 21? No heavies to put offline?

Offline Bonk

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2009, 11:09:08 am »

Still no activation for Canada east site.

Email is <snip>. Please activate for me, thanks.

Rex of NT

Will do. I suspect your ISP rejects emails from servers with no reverse DNS records (costs me more). I'll look into it tonight.

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2009, 02:20:35 pm »
Hi Bonk,

Neat set up!

I'm afraid the Karnak warp mission will have to be pulled. It drafts out of era - I found myself fighting a F-NCL (2270) and a F-DDG (2267) in 2264.

Also the warp function is not well thought out. Some ships can't go 23+ even before using 3 points for Deep Scan. It took me over 24 minutes to get to the border going my max of 21. Also, when using ships that can go fast enough, there is a chance you could go to warp accidentally if you were speeding along and wanted to use Deep Scan for, you know, deep scanning.

Did you double check the YFA of the NCL and DDG in SFB-OP? (there are a few YFA errors in there, I'll check when I get home)

Yes. The first thing I did after logging off the server was to check the vessel library.

Max spd 21? No heavies to put offline?

Hey, thats all the speed a Romulan Falcon Mauler can muster... at Green Alert!  ;D

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2009, 04:18:50 pm »
Hey, thats all the speed a Romulan Falcon Mauler can muster... at Green Alert!  ;D

Ohhhh.... I see. Was that your starting ship or did you buy it?

Thanks for checking the shiplist. I guess we still have time warping in the EEK missions. Poop. I think Karnak was saying something about being able to tighten it up another notch. Maybe we'll get to try it again.

So I have a mission to pull on both The Forge and SFB-OP... I guess I better get into missionlist editing mode! The forge probably needs a db clean anyway - actually a reset maybe as it's pretty late - and SFB-OP has been running for four days but time warping is a bummer - gotta yank that. Good to find that early... I'll see if I can rouse Karnak to make another version before the testing phase is complete.

Also the warp function is not well thought out. Some ships can't go 23+ even before using 3 points for Deep Scan. It took me over 24 minutes to get to the border going my max of 21. Also, when using ships that can go fast enough, there is a chance you could go to warp accidentally if you were speeding along and wanted to use Deep Scan for, you know, deep scanning.

In light of your Rom mauler (as well as a bunch of other ships in SFB-OP now that I think about it) the speed should be reduced to say 20. In terms of conflicting with deep scanning - it could happen but usually only need to deep scan on certain missions... this feature would not be present in such missions I assume (more stock like). But should you want to see your opponents over range 100 (a likely probablity on such a large map) I see your point... I wonder if it can be made a two system combo... that way you would be much less liekly to do it accidentally. Jus brainstomin it out for Karnak here, as you raise good concerns. (dependent on no time-warping of course)

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2009, 05:59:37 pm »

found a goof on the hydran LC in the fighter squads it has one group of 4 and one group of 2

Offline Corbomite

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2009, 07:35:26 pm »
Hey, thats all the speed a Romulan Falcon Mauler can muster... at Green Alert!  ;D

Ohhhh.... I see. Was that your starting ship or did you buy it?

I bought it. Starting ship was a KR.

Also the warp function is not well thought out. Some ships can't go 23+ even before using 3 points for Deep Scan. It took me over 24 minutes to get to the border going my max of 21. Also, when using ships that can go fast enough, there is a chance you could go to warp accidentally if you were speeding along and wanted to use Deep Scan for, you know, deep scanning.

In light of your Rom mauler (as well as a bunch of other ships in SFB-OP now that I think about it) the speed should be reduced to say 20. In terms of conflicting with deep scanning - it could happen but usually only need to deep scan on certain missions... this feature would not be present in such missions I assume (more stock like). But should you want to see your opponents over range 100 (a likely probablity on such a large map) I see your point... I wonder if it can be made a two system combo... that way you would be much less liekly to do it accidentally. Jus brainstomin it out for Karnak here, as you raise good concerns. (dependent on no time-warping of course)

I think Dave has the most elegant solution: Go to Yellow Alert for 30 seconds at your max possible speed. Nobody I have ever encountered has used Yellow Alert for anything.

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2009, 09:32:45 pm »
possably an nother bug if you buy a D6D as klink it has 15 max repair screws
but if you buy it Rom through the OCI it has 30.

Offline Bonk

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2009, 09:44:55 pm »
possably an nother bug if you buy a D6D as klink it has 15 max repair screws
but if you buy it Rom through the OCI it has 30.

Ooopsie. I adjusted the spares on the serverside shiplist but forgot to copy it over to the OCI. :smackhead: At least I suspect so... I'll double check... yup, that was it. Good catch.

P.S. I note you have two accounts, you can change races with the race tranfers on the OCI if you like without the need for multiple accounts. (wasn't sure if you knew about that)

found a goof on the hydran LC in the fighter squads it has one group of 4 and one group of 2

I can fix that one serverside too... what should it have? (SFB #'s not SFC)

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2009, 01:04:21 am »
Why not have one of the taunt commands trigger warp?

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Re: SFB-OP Testing...
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2009, 07:02:14 am »
Why not have one of the taunt commands trigger warp?

I like that idea!

BTW: Do the Andromedans in this use the TRBL / TRBH? IIRC, they weren't armed with them in the original spec file.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 11:52:08 am by Klingon Fanatic »
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