Topic: Webmap as browser stress test...  (Read 7446 times)

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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2009, 05:05:54 pm »
Here's a little bit better readout from TaskManager...
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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2009, 06:29:21 pm »
Adding bases now. Tricky little three spoked things. Seems SVG paths do not want to double back on themselves.  >:( I had hoped to draw them as a single path, but that may not be possible. Ugh. I must be missing something or need to take a little break, I've been at this for many hours straight today. I love the look of the planets though. (a 315° gradient in a circle element with no stroke) :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2009, 06:45:26 pm by Bonk »

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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2009, 05:55:22 am »
I tried it on IE6 on XP yesterday. I had to kill the task after one minute thirty seconds.

Is there better way than the two approaches I have taken to get a browser to draw thousands of images?

Part of me is saying be done with this, quit farting around and start writing a new dynaverse client for vista in C/C++.

Bing! I just realised we may not need the OP source to write a new dynaverse client for OP, the new vista dynaverse client could just launch OP in analogy to gamespy or sfcdirect? Oh maybe not... mission script type differences... there might be a way to hack it though... see where I'm going?

I'm also thinking of skipping a python scripting interface, do it all in c and use plain text files as mission script templates...

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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2009, 06:53:03 am »
I tried it on IE6 on XP yesterday. I had to kill the task after one minute thirty seconds.

Is there better way than the two approaches I have taken to get a browser to draw thousands of images?

Part of me is saying be done with this, quit farting around and start writing a new dynaverse client for vista in C/C++.

Bing! I just realised we may not need the OP source to write a new dynaverse client for OP, the new vista dynaverse client could just launch OP in analogy to gamespy or sfcdirect? Oh maybe not... mission script type differences... there might be a way to hack it though... see where I'm going?

I'm also thinking of skipping a python scripting interface, do it all in c and use plain text files as mission script templates...

So you are talking about the client side (game itself)?  I can see being able to do the server, as you have code for that.  Porting that over should be fairly straight forward. hmmm.
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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2009, 06:16:42 pm »
I guess the idea was not very clear. Let's see if I can do better:

Basically the concept is to investigate the feasibilty of developing an entirely new Dynaverse client and server that uses the existing OP client binary to resolve battles. Similarly to how sfcdirect uses the command line parameters like gamespy, but that launches direct tcp/ip games. I figure there must be hooks or hacks we could find to launch the existing OP client into a dynaverse script game as host or guest with the appropriate parameters.

Make more sense? Or less?

If it could be done, then I see no reason that both generations of the game (OP and SFC3) could play on the same map as our new server and dynaverse client could mission match according to the users preferred tactical client.

Might be just a brainfart. But I sure like the idea. (could get us a vista compatible dynaverse quicker...)

A peek at the EAW source would be highly instructive as to the possibilty of this.

BUT back to my JSON/SVG webmappy!

BIG NEWS for IE users!,163388476.0.html

Tested IE8 with ChromeFrame on Vista and.... drum roll please....
Draw time 2.3500001430511475 seconds! (first draw)
With IE using only 22MB RAM and the chrome instance using about 50MB

Install the plugin, clear the cache, refresh the svgtest page, et voila!


If this proves stable and becomes popular I'll start plugging the meta tag and installation script everywhere!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 06:55:01 pm by Bonk »

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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2009, 07:08:39 pm »
Hmmm.... a replacement for the Raphael library?

Might be worth a try, I could generate svg from the javascript "directly" using this instead of raphael's vml implementation for IE. Could be faster.  But perhaps they are essentially the same thing?

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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2009, 09:41:30 pm »
I just tested the SVG/JSON map in Firefox 3.5.3 on my windows XP install and it does not run!
Code: [Select]
Error: jsonObj is undefined
Source File:
Line: 122

Interesting. It appears that Firefox interprets javascript differently on different versions of windows. Most disconcerting.

I'll try whatever IE version I have installed while I have my XP install running...

Heh, IE6 gives some ambiguous javascript error permission denied with a line number but no filename. Being line 339 it must be in the mootools or raphael library.

Well, so this SVG/JSON webmap does not work on XP.

See why I always hated javascript so much? It's coming back to me now. It just will not run reliably. Period. Too bad, at this point lots can be done with it, but it still suffers the same problems it suffered in 1994.

Rebooting to vista to see if it still runs, perhaps I fell asleep mid-edits the other night or something.

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Re: Webmap as browser stress test...
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2009, 09:50:28 pm »
Wow, it runs on Firefox on Vista, but not on Firefox on XP.

I have reverted to my previous belief that javascript is pure evil and totally useless. I shall waste no more time on it. Shame, as this had potential.

We need a new client side scripting language for browsers. Javascript just plain sucks.