Safari now has a strong lead.
Raphaël 1.0RC1.4 fixes the incorrect paths display in IE (svg->vml).
I also came across this handy site in my travels on this topic:
I now have some hard data on the actual performance of the various browsers in the rather demanding task of producing the svg map:
First Draw:Safari: Draw time: 1.3550000190734863 seconds
Iron: Draw time: 2.177999973297119 seconds
Firefox: Draw time: 2.2160000801086426 seconds
Opera: Draw time: 4.96399998664856 seconds
Internet Explorer: Draw time: 22.17599879837036 seconds
Second Draw (clear map, draw map):Safari: Draw time: 0.8320000171661377 seconds
Iron: Draw time: 1.4609999656677246 seconds
Firefox: Draw time: 1.9029998779296875 seconds
Opera: Draw time: 2.199000120162964 seconds
Internet Explorer: Draw time: 11.769999980926513 seconds
Zoom (25%->100%):Safari: Draw time: 1.2820000648498535 seconds
Firefox: Draw time: 2.3589999675750732 seconds
Iron: Draw time: 2.936999797821045 seconds
Opera: Draw time: 8.894999980926514 seconds
Internet Explorer: Draw time: 26.52900004386902 seconds
Wow, kind of surprised Safari came out so far ahead! I expect Konqueror to perform similarly. IE has clearly been left in the dust. Firefox and Iron are about even on this one, with a slight lead for Iron. The other performance indicator not measured is map drag smoothness and cpu use (no easy way to measure - it's kind of a "feel" thing).
Drag performance (rough): Firefox>Iron>Opera>Safari>IE
Not so sure about the php.js microtime fucntion - seems like a lot of decimals. I'm not sure my computer is that fast.
Also starting to dislike the effect of the
mootools domready function. I can't seem to display status easily and don't want to wrap all my functions in AJAX functions... sigh. I knew I had put off javascript for a reason.

edit: Hmmm Konqueror 4.3.00 for windows gives an error on the Raphael library that none of the other javascript engines throw.
raphael.js: TypeError: Attempt to use a non-function object or a value as a function.
Unfortunatley it is rather unspecific - no line number or funtion name in the error - not very helpful. It refuses to draw the map because of this error. Too bad it did not tell me where in the library the error is, if it did I could try to fix it.