Well, I just got my bootleg copy of it, and I'm up to the part where Vulcan is destroyed. The film is confirming my low expectations so far. The only good thing I can say about it is that it is better than the Spirit.
Stealing is wrong.
And how can we expect an honest criticisms, from somebody, who used dishonest means, to arrive to his conclusions?
So basically, the only way I could satisfy you would be to sell out my own beliefs, and helping TROST to murder Star Trek. If I had not seen this bootleg, you and all of your ilk would have continued to criticize me for judging the film without seeing it despite the fact that everything he had released gave me a good indication of what garbage this film is.Abrams has raped and murdered something which I have enjoyed since I was in grade school, and I have no regrets about punishing him in even a small way as retaliation. If I had seen this abomination in theaters, you would have criticized me for betraying my own values.
Look don't even attempt to preach values. When you are on contemptable, moral grounds to begin with.

Instead of ranting about a ST movie, that does not act like you think it should, take a good look at your presumed values and do some soul searching.
First you critisize something you know nothing about.
Then buy an illeageal copy, to justify your actions.
If you cant see the problem with that. I don't know what the hell to tell you.
2 wrongs don't make a right.
As for punishing Abrams?? you are in NO position to judge or punish anybody.
If anything, YOU should be punished for breaking the law, and stealing from all, who worked, to make money off the film.