Topic: Strange thing happen to me !!!  (Read 4659 times)

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Strange thing happen to me !!!
« on: March 12, 2003, 03:41:27 pm »
When we were testing our mod for Litterbox, something strange happen and would like to know if one of you ever do this.

When I was on the map I notice new color for the ship class that travels on it. I look at it and notice that the icon is pink, yes a CA pink beside me, WOW I turn around and engage him to my surprise it was the Marauder??????

Is it possible to make the Marauder(Pink), Rakellians(Cyan) and the Pirates(Blue) travel on map, I know it is but don't remember at all how we do. I ask my friend who work on the mod and don't know either how he did.

If someone knows please let me know it will be a big change on map, It's possible we did it by mistake.  


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2003, 07:20:14 pm »


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2003, 04:38:09 am »
Yes, it's possible to have the other races, but only as AI. You need to give them a Hex in the map, at least one base or planet. And make sure they have one of each type of ship, except the Battleship. It's buggy mind, as I don't think they intended for you to do things like that. I've got 9 races running at the moment, it's great, it'll be in my mod once I've finished it.


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2003, 05:21:24 pm »

Yes, it's possible to have the other races, but only as AI. You need to give them a Hex in the map, at least one base or planet. And make sure they have one of each type of ship, except the Battleship. It's buggy mind, as I don't think they intended for you to do things like that. I've got 9 races running at the moment, it's great, it'll be in my mod once I've finished it.  

Can you be more specific like:

How you give other races hex on map when the map editor show only 4 races?

Do we have to built a ship of all class(bases, shuttle, freighters etc...) or only ships?

How did you add them in the Defaultloadout and Core?(did you put them all in Pirate section or you create new races with new names)

If you can answer those question it will save me a lot of work. Thx for the info by the way, I know it was possible.


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2003, 01:39:00 pm »
Okay, for the map editor, you need to edit the Definitions file, and in the regions section (right at the top), you can add in new races. MAKE SURE THAT THE NAME HERE MATCHES EXACTLY WHAT THE SHORT NAME IS IN THE COMMONSETTINGS\

I can't stress the above point enough, if you don't do this, it will not load the map, period, no exceptions. You cannot edit the short names either, but you can edit the long names if you wish.

Once you've made your map, you need to make the two default files compatible.

For the core file, for each race, they MUST have a FF, DD, CL, CA, BCH & DN. Plus a Listening Post, a Weapons Platform, and one of each of the three types of bases. These are minimum requirements, you may need to copy ships for some races.

Now, in the loadout file, you just need to add in the ships as normal, except in the first column, where it says race, you put in the short name of your new race, Cardassian for example.

Then you just have to load the map up and hope everything works out fine. Takes a while to get right, but it's great when it does work. Check this pic out below. (the map below is actually bigger, but this was the best pic I could get with all 9 races on screen at once.)

Quick Colour guide.
Lighter Blue - Federation
Red - Klingon
Green - Romulan
Orange - Borg (or in my Dominion Wars mod, the Dominion)
Brown - Cardassian (or in my dom wars mod, the Borg)
Dark Blue - Pirates
Cyan - Rakellians
Purple - Species8472
Magenta - Ferengi



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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2003, 03:23:23 pm »
Thx Pelican your help is very appreciated, going to wok now and gonna try that after and going to let you some news about it. Thx again.  


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2003, 06:52:29 pm »
If you want to download my Dominion Wars mod, you can go here -


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2003, 08:35:32 pm »
Well just try the editor everything looks good so far, thx for the tip. I will try to download your mod to take a peak but don't know if I will be able, Im on 56k and your mod is around 150mb gonna take me a while to get it. One other thing is that me and some friends are working on a mod call Litterbox III, and was wondering if you can give me some link where we can download new models with they approuval of course. I really need Borg, Cardassian, Jem'Hadar and Breen ships if you know where I can get those please let me know. Bajoran fighter as well try for a while to get one but no succes.

And again thx for everything.


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2003, 01:35:44 am »
Really, the best way to get other ships is to download other mods, and then ask the modders permission to use them. (and then ask the original modeller) That's what I did. In that mod above, there is the largest collection of Dominion/Breen/Cardassian ships I know of. 15 Models, counting the station.

However, I think you can find a few at


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Re: Strange thing happen to me !!!
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2003, 06:55:32 am »
Well got your mod now, I star to download it at 10pm and finish at 6am, that was a long wait. I already check there and empty the place.  

By the way it's work perfectly for adding races on the map, I test it by adding the Card and putting the necessary ship in the load out and voila all good to go. :P Thx for everything.