Topic: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.  (Read 22962 times)

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #40 on: June 02, 2009, 09:55:14 pm »

Although I am not so sure Enterprise is "Officiallly" not consdered cannon.

But - really -wtf have they done with this latest Star Trek - was it really necessary to do that!??

And ****SPOILER ALERT**** !

Isn't it only logical that "future" spock has already left instructions for a FLEET of Federation Ships to take out NEMO at first sight (since he knows exactly where and when he will be) - or even more simply to just try and save Romulous (with HEAVY ESCORT) a few weeks earlier...

He might, but time in this new timeline only passes 1 second at a time.  That means we've got 140 years of altered timeline movies to watch before Spock's message sets things right.

I had a different question.

If you were Nero, and suddenly found yourself back in time 140 years before your world died, what would you do?  Hang out for 25 years waiting for Spock to show up so you can destroy Vulcan in front of him?

Or would you race to Romulus and warn them that they are going to get cooked in 140 years, which many will still be alive to see, so they'd better start working on a plan!

"Oh, and while you're at it, lads, I've got a complement of really advanced torpedoes on my mining ship.  You might want to start mass producing those.  They'll come in handy next time you have "issues" with your neighbors."

'Cause really, that's what I'd have done.

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2009, 10:04:15 pm »
and after you've done all that, go to Vulcan and destroy it in front of Spock. ;)  Really, from what I've heard and quizzed people on, the plot is weak sauce.

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #42 on: June 02, 2009, 11:13:32 pm »
and after you've done all that, go to Vulcan and destroy it in front of Spock. ;)

True enough!  You can accomplish a lot in 25 years if you set your mind to it.

I thought the Nero's name was well chosen:  By engaging in his revenge plot, he's fiddling while Romulus burns.

(It's still a good movie.  Go see it!)

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #43 on: June 03, 2009, 06:08:10 am »
Assume that all of those cloaks had flaws and were eventually abandoned.  Also Stiles was an expert on wartime romulans.

Expert on Romulans period.  He would not have ignored pre war battles and combat encounters such as the minefield.  Would you have?

Also, the fact that the photonic torps actually have warning labels on them with specific handling instructions indicates that they are more dangerous to deal with than the older spatial torps.  Its conceivable that although Starfleet was willing to risk those dangers when an elite, experienced officer like Reed was the one handling the torps, but was less willing to risk using them in a hastily assembled wartime fleet.

It was a WAR they would not have worried much about the danger to their own crews.  Even the fact that the best ships carried them would be enough that saying the war was fought with primitive atomic weapons would be a misstatement unlikely to be made.  It also ignores the phase cannons as a major weapon.

Don't forget the earlier spatial torpedoes did not have much effect on shields so if the Romulans had shields they would have been useless.  If the Andorians and/or the Vulcans fought at the side of Earth the Romulans would have been even more outmatched as they did have shields (and warp 7 ships) as well as even better weapons.

In any case you are merely saying that since the use of the photonic torpedoes that Enterprise showed they had conflicts with the view that the timelines are the same they must not have used them.  I say that they had them and had shown a willingness to use them therefore it is to be assumed that they would have continued to use them in the Earth Romulan war and that their existence is evidence for a divergent timeline.

The Romulans in Kirks time changed focused their design priorities towards making the cloak more practical, and developing the plasma torpedo. 

I find this a real reach.

First of all it ignores the fact that in addition to the Romulans at least 3 other races were known to use cloaks yet neither Kirk nor Spock was aware that it was even possible.

Second the cloak was practical enough that the Romulans had an entire cloaked minefield and a cloaked ship just sitting on sentry duty in an unoccupied border system watching for intruders.  That to me is not what they would have done with an "impractical"  design.

Thirdly the mere fact that cloaked ships had been encountered would be enough to include it in Academy teachings - "How to fight an invisible ship 101".

Fourth even a marginal cloak would have been used by the Romulans for such things as commerce raiding and scouting.  They would not have abandoned it.  The existence of one cloaked minefield implies that there were others and the Earth Alliance would not have forgotten that.

Remember despite the Romulan's lack of speed, it wasn't exactly easy for Kirk to bring down the bird of prey.

If you were the Romulans and your ships were far slower still than your enemies had 100 years ago would you not assume that they had retained if not improved that speed advantage and waited until you had equalized it before starting a new war?  It makes no sense, they had to have conveniently forgotten the speed advantage of the prior war just like the Federation conveniently forgot about cloaking devices.

Kirk having difficulty was due to being unaware of the limitations of the weapon the Romulans were using.  If he had known of the time delay between shots he could have outrun the plasma and then hit the ship while it rearmed.  Spock was already tracking the ship and they could take it down with proximity blasts.  In successive engagements knowing the ships limits it would be much easier to handle.

The Voyage to the 1930s dealt with a different opponent so it did not erase the expanse.

It might very well eliminate it. The sphere builders chose to build and work on it based on their ability to see future probabilities.  The 1940s attack could easily have eliminated them causing the builders to say "[censored] we can't win now, there is no use going on".

People might have considered Cochrane's words about the borg to be drunk talk, and revisionist historians would have purged it from the record because it portrayed him in an unfavorable light.

But the fact of those talks would not have been lost.  They had been published for too many decades.  Especially since others would have been aware of the attack on his base and have told stories of those who came to help.  Just as science texts when I was in school included mention of various falsified fossils in the human evolutionary tree.  They would have been mentioned merely because it was repeated behaviour by Cochrane the man who brought Earth to the stars.

It also ignores the Vulcan SCIENCE SHIP that would have scanned Earth and nearby space and would have found the VERY high tech debris and recorded it and watched for future signs.  The same Vulcans who would have been searching their own databases for anything about the Borg and their technology.  The nano tech in the debris would have fascinated them. 

Relations with the Klingons in Archer's time weren't hostile, but they weren't friendly either.  The way in which first contact occurred could very well have prevented a friendly dialogue from forming.

It still conflicts with Picards statement that first contact CAUSED decades of war yet based on first contact in Enterprise they were at peace for ~70 years.  I would expect it was events in those decades that caused the war not the events of first contact.  It is a direct conflict in the two timelines.

Picard had models of all "federation starships" named Enterprise in his ready room.  Making the series pre-federation was meant to skirt the fact that Kirk's Enterprise was the first federation starship to bear the name.

Would he really have ignored the ship that started it all?  The ship which had saved Earth and laid the groundwork for the Federation and Starfleet?  I think that rather than ignore it he would have given it a place of honor as the ship that started the line, perhaps in its own display case setting it apart.  Wouldn't you?

Also, the moment of the federation's birth can be one of those hazy historical debates.  Was it the  signing of the alliance, or was it the signing of the Federation Charter at a later date.

Deanna wasn't unclear.  She quite clearly stated that it would lead to the Federation.  The Enterprise was not decommissioned until AFTER the ceremony.  If that had been the foundation of the Federation then the NX-01 would have BECOME a Federation ship at that moment and it would have been the 1st Federation Starship Enterprise and therefore unlike your earlier assertion Picard would have had the model in his display case.  :)

I see that you ignored Rikers decision moment in the finale being different than it was in Pegasus.  In Pegasus he made it in the Engineering room of the Pegasus and told the Admiral in the finale it was on the Enterprise and he told Deanna that he had made it and was going to talk to Picard.  Clearly different events. 
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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #44 on: June 03, 2009, 09:40:43 am »
Here's another one for you...

In First Contact, the Enterprises are 1701 to 1701-E,  After Picard smashed it with his Phaser Rifle it needed to be repaired.  We don't see the briefing room scene in Insurrection, but in Nemesis we do see it, and what ship miraculously appears there?  The NX-01.  I think Picard and company would have said, WTF? after Starfleet repairs the display case, but had no way to fix it, and so lived with it.  I still maintain that the NX-01 DID exist in the main timeline, it just wasn't named Enterprise.

Do remember though, that technology changes, 30 years ago the F-117 was considered invisible.  Now we have means of detecting it.  Spock didn't specifically mention it was invisible to the naked eye.  "Bending of light" doesn't apply only to the visible spectrum.
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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2009, 10:33:10 am »
the F-117 was considered RADAR invisible.

Added one word to make it accurate.

The cloaked ships in Enterprise were not visible to sight and when they decloak they all showed visibly.


1/ Suliban cell ship in the shuttle bay.

2/ Romulan decloaking in front of Enterprise  (just like in front of the USS Enterprise - various versions from 1701 up to the E)

3/ The slipstream ship.

4/ The Spheres once you passed within the cloaking barrier were suddenly seen.

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2009, 06:59:04 am »
I think something should be added to the Enterprise on display analogy.  If I recall, in the Motion Picture they have all the ships that were previously named enterprise and were going through showing them in one portion.  Obviously since Enterprise the series wasn't even thought up at that point, they wouldn't have thought to include it...however...that said...I don't believe an NX-01 ship was on the wall there.
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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2009, 07:20:15 am »
I haven't seen the new movie, but for the previous performance, I'll disclose:

Berman and Braga Dyslexia?

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2009, 10:14:39 pm »
I think the guy said "all these ships were called enterprise",


"all the ships that were called enterprise are these"
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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #49 on: July 25, 2009, 08:53:48 pm »
I haven't seen the new movie, but for the previous performance, I'll disclose:

Berman and Braga Dyslexia?

I prefer Hopey Changy land.

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #50 on: August 08, 2009, 08:04:56 am »


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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #51 on: September 06, 2009, 09:52:36 pm »
You know what I dont buy alternate timeline either did any of those Enterprise D's worf visited look even half as advanced as the new bastardprise?

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2009, 11:44:19 pm »
You know what I dont buy alternate timeline either did any of those Enterprise D's worf visited look even half as advanced as the new bastardprise?

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2009, 12:32:14 am »
Problems with Enterprise falling in the same timeline as ST:TOS or ST:TNG:

1/ Cloaking devices were unknown to Kirk and Spock yet at least 4 separate races in the time of Enterprise have cloaking devices and are encountered by the NX-01 including the Romulans.  It is unlikely that Stiles with his Romulan obsession would not know about the First Contact and the existance of both cloaked mines and cloaked ships.  Stiles would definitely have brought it up when Spock indicated that no one had made a practical invisibility device for ships.

2/ The war would have had to be fought between the last 2 episodes of Enterprise and was supposed to be a direct cause (as I recall) of the founding of the Federation yet is not mentioned by Archer, other Enterprise crew or Riker and Deanna.

3/ The war was fought with "primitive nuclear weapons" yet the NX-01 before entering the Expanse was equipped with phase cannons and photonic torpedoes (antimatter warheads).

4/ Impulse driven Romulan ships versus Warp 5 Earth ships?  Warp 7 ships coming on line just after the wars end?  Why would Kirks Romulans think that their slow ships stand a chance versus the Federation when their speed still lags the Earths ships from the war?  By Kirks time the Romulans have not apparently even caught up to the tech the Earth had 100 years earlier and STILL they want a war?  They are not that stupid.  This only makes sense if in Enterprise Earth technology is accelerated (hints Cochrane got from the Phoenix repairs perhaps).

5/ The NX-01 encounters the Borg yet Starfleet of ST:TNG never seems to figure it out.  Not even with experts like Data sifting through history for any information on earlier Borg victories (Guinan's people) and more importantly defeats. 

6/ The difference in the two Rikers (Enterprise finale (fat) vs ST:TNG Pegasus).  Rikers decision in the Enterprise finale is after a holodeck experience but in Pegasus it was when he found out that the cloak was intact.  If it was only "fat Riker" suspension of disbelief would be acceptable (but a stupid choice by the film makers) but combine with everything else and the facts add up to a different history. 

7/ The NX-01 is recalled to be present for the signing of the Charter of Alliance in the same year the Articles of Federation were due to be signed.  Deanna says "You wish we could tell them all this Alliance will give birth to the Federation".  A Federation that is supposed to form that very year.  Not likely that both would happen so quickly.  An argument could be made that the Enterprise had 2 consecutive full 5 year mission in which case the articles were signed in September and that leaves too little time to negoiate the Articles of Federation for the same year (and Deannas comments make it clear that this alliance is NOT the Federation) so the Federation is not founded in the correct year.

8/ The Federations (not Earths) first contact with the Klingons is disastrous and leads to decades of war yet in Enterprise the Archer does well by the Empire by saving one of their couriers and delivering information that keeps the Empire out of civil war.  Where is the disaster in that?  You could argue that his later escape (not a first contact) from prison and destroying Duras's ship might have provoked war but then it would have started years afterwards as it had not apparently occurred yet by the end of the series (8 years later after the destruction of Duras's ship). 

Klingon relations (from a history onboard the Defiant in the mirror universe) don't get hostile until 2223 and continue for 70 years.  This is ~70 years after first contact between Earth and Klingons in Enterprise and conflicts with Picards statement.  (That history has other issues as well.)

So to sumarize first contact with Earth pre Federation did not result in war when Picard stated it was with the Federation and resulted in decades of war.   

9/ Daniels states: "The events that are taking place are the result of temporal incursions. They're not supposed to be happening." Yet he ends up satisfied that the timeline is back on track even with the changes.  That only makes sense if the voyage to the 1940s erased the expanse and the whole attack on Earth.

10/ The events of First Contact are apparently not recorded in the ST:TNG time but are in Enterprise.  Archer knows of Cochranes talks about travellers from the future fighting cybernetic aliens but laForge (a big fan of Cochrane) does not.  It would have been too late to classify Cochranes talks decades later laForge or Data would have known or discovered it.

11/ Picard does not have a model of the NX-01 an Enterprise that saved Earth and helped form the Federation, unlikely.

ok if we want to nitpick TNG Era and TOS arnt part of the same timeline either honestly, if you look at Voyager Episode Futures end, it takes place in 1997, during the Eugenics war, or right after cant remember excat years, but it doesnt look war torn to me at all. TNG gave the date of the Federation as 2161 yet TOS states the Federation is newer than that, cant remember the excat line. Also Warp10 is max velocity, so Scotty doing Warp13 was impossible, and i sense we go by what is only shown on screen, so the encylopedia entries ect are not perfect Cannon there wasnt a change in the Warp Scale. I can go on based purley on what we saw on screen here.

But instead if Starfleet classified all logs pertaining to romulan cloaking technology, stiles wouldn't have known. Enterprise never says Romulands used the cloak during the war, so besides Enterprise no one else saw it. I would also imagine many details of there dealings with the suliban and the expanse are also highly classified so no spock and kirk couldn't have had those details. The NX-01 isnt on the wall of the EnterpriseD or E because they are Federation Starships named Enterprise, the NX-01 was an Earth Starfleet Vessel not federation as it is stated NX-01 was being retired to make way for the new ships, which we know is the Deadulas class fleet. As for the romulans not fighting with warp drive, thats improbable at best, most likly and present in books about this era is the romulans used carrier type ships, the Star Trek Book Final Frontier deals with this, and Romulan ships where more a less perasite vessels attached to larger carriers. To belive the romulans would have fought the war without warp drive period is whole idiotic. Also considering Romulas's distance to the Nutral zone, which is where the boarders for both sides came to a stand still, how would romulan forces even make it to the lines without some form of warp travel even from parasite ships. Also kirk makes it obvious that we know very little of Romulans and Enterprise didn't change this one bit, Even archer didn't know much about them.

So take this into account and realize that everything has an anwser if you look, or you can insist on pure screen cannon, and then none of Star Trek goes together Period the end.

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2009, 12:46:49 am »
Assume that all of those cloaks had flaws and were eventually abandoned.  Also Stiles was an expert on wartime romulans.

Expert on Romulans period.  He would not have ignored pre war battles and combat encounters such as the minefield.  Would you have?

Also, the fact that the photonic torps actually have warning labels on them with specific handling instructions indicates that they are more dangerous to deal with than the older spatial torps.  Its conceivable that although Starfleet was willing to risk those dangers when an elite, experienced officer like Reed was the one handling the torps, but was less willing to risk using them in a hastily assembled wartime fleet.

It was a WAR they would not have worried much about the danger to their own crews.  Even the fact that the best ships carried them would be enough that saying the war was fought with primitive atomic weapons would be a misstatement unlikely to be made.  It also ignores the phase cannons as a major weapon.

Don't forget the earlier spatial torpedoes did not have much effect on shields so if the Romulans had shields they would have been useless.  If the Andorians and/or the Vulcans fought at the side of Earth the Romulans would have been even more outmatched as they did have shields (and warp 7 ships) as well as even better weapons.

In any case you are merely saying that since the use of the photonic torpedoes that Enterprise showed they had conflicts with the view that the timelines are the same they must not have used them.  I say that they had them and had shown a willingness to use them therefore it is to be assumed that they would have continued to use them in the Earth Romulan war and that their existence is evidence for a divergent timeline.

The Romulans in Kirks time changed focused their design priorities towards making the cloak more practical, and developing the plasma torpedo. 

I find this a real reach.

First of all it ignores the fact that in addition to the Romulans at least 3 other races were known to use cloaks yet neither Kirk nor Spock was aware that it was even possible.

Second the cloak was practical enough that the Romulans had an entire cloaked minefield and a cloaked ship just sitting on sentry duty in an unoccupied border system watching for intruders.  That to me is not what they would have done with an "impractical"  design.

Thirdly the mere fact that cloaked ships had been encountered would be enough to include it in Academy teachings - "How to fight an invisible ship 101".

Fourth even a marginal cloak would have been used by the Romulans for such things as commerce raiding and scouting.  They would not have abandoned it.  The existence of one cloaked minefield implies that there were others and the Earth Alliance would not have forgotten that.

Remember despite the Romulan's lack of speed, it wasn't exactly easy for Kirk to bring down the bird of prey.

If you were the Romulans and your ships were far slower still than your enemies had 100 years ago would you not assume that they had retained if not improved that speed advantage and waited until you had equalized it before starting a new war?  It makes no sense, they had to have conveniently forgotten the speed advantage of the prior war just like the Federation conveniently forgot about cloaking devices.

Kirk having difficulty was due to being unaware of the limitations of the weapon the Romulans were using.  If he had known of the time delay between shots he could have outrun the plasma and then hit the ship while it rearmed.  Spock was already tracking the ship and they could take it down with proximity blasts.  In successive engagements knowing the ships limits it would be much easier to handle.

The Voyage to the 1930s dealt with a different opponent so it did not erase the expanse.

It might very well eliminate it. The sphere builders chose to build and work on it based on their ability to see future probabilities.  The 1940s attack could easily have eliminated them causing the builders to say "[censored] we can't win now, there is no use going on".

People might have considered Cochrane's words about the borg to be drunk talk, and revisionist historians would have purged it from the record because it portrayed him in an unfavorable light.

But the fact of those talks would not have been lost.  They had been published for too many decades.  Especially since others would have been aware of the attack on his base and have told stories of those who came to help.  Just as science texts when I was in school included mention of various falsified fossils in the human evolutionary tree.  They would have been mentioned merely because it was repeated behaviour by Cochrane the man who brought Earth to the stars.

It also ignores the Vulcan SCIENCE SHIP that would have scanned Earth and nearby space and would have found the VERY high tech debris and recorded it and watched for future signs.  The same Vulcans who would have been searching their own databases for anything about the Borg and their technology.  The nano tech in the debris would have fascinated them. 

Relations with the Klingons in Archer's time weren't hostile, but they weren't friendly either.  The way in which first contact occurred could very well have prevented a friendly dialogue from forming.

It still conflicts with Picards statement that first contact CAUSED decades of war yet based on first contact in Enterprise they were at peace for ~70 years.  I would expect it was events in those decades that caused the war not the events of first contact.  It is a direct conflict in the two timelines.

Picard had models of all "federation starships" named Enterprise in his ready room.  Making the series pre-federation was meant to skirt the fact that Kirk's Enterprise was the first federation starship to bear the name.

Would he really have ignored the ship that started it all?  The ship which had saved Earth and laid the groundwork for the Federation and Starfleet?  I think that rather than ignore it he would have given it a place of honor as the ship that started the line, perhaps in its own display case setting it apart.  Wouldn't you?

Also, the moment of the federation's birth can be one of those hazy historical debates.  Was it the  signing of the alliance, or was it the signing of the Federation Charter at a later date.

Deanna wasn't unclear.  She quite clearly stated that it would lead to the Federation.  The Enterprise was not decommissioned until AFTER the ceremony.  If that had been the foundation of the Federation then the NX-01 would have BECOME a Federation ship at that moment and it would have been the 1st Federation Starship Enterprise and therefore unlike your earlier assertion Picard would have had the model in his display case.  :)

I see that you ignored Rikers decision moment in the finale being different than it was in Pegasus.  In Pegasus he made it in the Engineering room of the Pegasus and told the Admiral in the finale it was on the Enterprise and he told Deanna that he had made it and was going to talk to Picard.  Clearly different events.

and I ask if Phase Cannons are so great why did Starfleet switch to lasers before 2254 when we see pike the first time? PHase Cannons are not Phasers, if they where pike would be using them dont you think? Does everyone forget the Enteprise under pike has lasers not phasers. Also photonic torpedo's wouldn't have the same affect as a nuclear blast, everything we have seen dealing with them and there later photon topedo's points to a large megaton yield yes, but far less damage spread. A 100megaton nuclear warhead could knock out multiple ships in tight formation simply from the shockwave that goes out. I can see a great many reason to use Nukes over photonic torpedo's Also the Radiation does, even 24th centry ships are affected by Radition, it pentrates there sheilds, so while knocking them around your giving them radiation posinging. Also the Enterprise NCC-1701 was faced with a romulan ship using a nuclear device to self destroy, it caused eletecial inteference and light damage and minor casulaties. And that was after the blast took out the romulan ship. Now also a nuke can destroy an entire city, yet we see time and agian photons are more precisie weapons STV is a prefect example they used them as close range artlitery and these where far more advanced that the NX-01. So for a large scale war it very well could have been for more practical to use nukes.

As for pegasus rewatch it and these are the voyages very closely, riker goes to think in these are the voyages and follows dieanna out, also there is alot of time in peagus not covered, so riker could have loaded the holoprogram. Also consider that the alliance chater not the Federation charter was signed, also note Earth Starfleet is not Federation Starfleet, most of the assests where asorbed yes, but one is clearly Earth Starfleet one is Clearly Federation Starfleet. Also if the NX-01 was sechudles for decommission because Earth Starfleet was shutting down, and Federation Starfleet was taking over, The NX-01 would have been part of the Earth Starfleet not merged into Federation Starfleet, there would be no point to assin a Federation registry.

Also just to conclude cause im getting bored, TOS contradticts itself alot. One episode says TRansporters are 100 years old but colonists who left earth 50 years ago have no clue what it is. To name one example, this is one reason you have to learn to overlook small decrepancies in these events. What it boils down to is simple, your so set on hating Enterprise you refuse to overlook minor discribinces and obvious truths the rest of us have noticed. While you overlook these same problems within TOS itself. Going by your statements cetain episodes of TOS arnt even in the same timeline.

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2009, 06:54:31 pm »
ok if we want to nitpick TNG Era and TOS arnt part of the same timeline either honestly, if you look at Voyager Episode Futures end, it takes place in 1997, during the Eugenics war, or right after cant remember excat years, but it doesnt look war torn to me at all. TNG gave the date of the Federation as 2161 yet TOS states the Federation is newer than that, cant remember the excat line. Also Warp10 is max velocity, so Scotty doing Warp13 was impossible, and i sense we go by what is only shown on screen, so the encylopedia entries ect are not perfect Cannon there wasnt a change in the Warp Scale. I can go on based purley on what we saw on screen here.

I do try and judge things by when they were made as well as by how they were made.  I don't judge TOS by the same standards as later shows but by the standards of their own time.  Up to the 1960s about the only shows that had anything like a rigourous attention to "canon" or to a consistant story line were soap operas.  So TOS gets leeway because of when it was made.

By the time of Enterprise things had changed and shows like Babylon 5 and Stargate had raised the bar on consistancy and on going story lines.

Berman and Braga of Enterprise knowingly and purposefully said @#$$% canon. 

As to the "warp 10 limit" I have been told but not seen that it was mentioned in one of the episodes that the Warp # system was redefined at some point so Scotty's warp 13 would not be the same as LaForge saying the same.

The Eugenics wars are never clearly defined.  Consider how much devastation you would have seen in a U.S. city at any time in WWII.  The episode you cite could be in a similarly "safe" city.

I don't cite much from Voyager because like DS9 I have only seen a handful of episodes.

But instead if Starfleet classified all logs pertaining to romulan cloaking technology, stiles wouldn't have known. Enterprise never says Romulands used the cloak during the war, so besides Enterprise no one else saw it. I would also imagine many details of there dealings with the suliban and the expanse are also highly classified so no spock and kirk couldn't have had those details. The NX-01 isnt on the wall of the EnterpriseD or E because they are Federation Starships named Enterprise, the NX-01 was an Earth Starfleet Vessel not federation as it is stated NX-01 was being retired to make way for the new ships, which we know is the Deadulas class fleet. As for the romulans not fighting with warp drive, thats improbable at best, most likly and present in books about this era is the romulans used carrier type ships, the Star Trek Book Final Frontier deals with this, and Romulan ships where more a less perasite vessels attached to larger carriers. To belive the romulans would have fought the war without warp drive period is whole idiotic. Also considering Romulas's distance to the Nutral zone, which is where the boarders for both sides came to a stand still, how would romulan forces even make it to the lines without some form of warp travel even from parasite ships. Also kirk makes it obvious that we know very little of Romulans and Enterprise didn't change this one bit, Even archer didn't know much about them.

You miss a few things with Enterprise and the Romulans. 

The Earth Romulan war should have taken place in the gap between the last two episodes of Enterprise but doesn't appear to have occurred.

The articles of Federation should have been signed in the SAME year of the Alliance made at the end of Enterprise.  Not likely.  Politicians on an international scale don't move that fast.

The Romulans and warp can be accounted for.  I long ago noted that there are for both warp and impulse TWO systems, drive and engine.  The drive is the actual propulsion system and the engine the power system.  Using that standard a Romulan Warbird could have a Warp Drive but still and Impulse Engine and not be capable of high warp speed due to lack of power.

Stiles is asked by Kirk how they would recognize a Romulan ship as the designs will have changed after a hundred years.  Stiles does not recognize the appearance of the Warbird when it is seen.  The design of the Warbird in Enterprise is similar enough that Stiles should have recognized it.

Classifying the expedition to the Expanse??  I can't believe that for a moment.  Remember it was a very publicly known reaction to Earth being "Pearl Harbor'ed". 

Classifying the existance of the cloak when the Romulans MUST have used it in the war is next to impossible, it would be like classifying that the Germans used U-Boats in WWII, too commonly known to classify.  Stiles would surely have heard at least rumours of it.  Starfleet Academy would at least have "speculative" classes on how to fight invisible ships.

So take this into account and realize that everything has an anwser if you look, or you can insist on pure screen cannon, and then none of Star Trek goes together Period the end.

As I said I judge by when the work was done.  The newer the series the more consistancy I expect because of improvements of the state of the art.
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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2009, 07:11:44 pm »
ok if we want to nitpick TNG Era and TOS arnt part of the same timeline either honestly, if you look at Voyager Episode Futures end, it takes place in 1997, during the Eugenics war, or right after cant remember excat years, but it doesnt look war torn to me at all. TNG gave the date of the Federation as 2161 yet TOS states the Federation is newer than that, cant remember the excat line. Also Warp10 is max velocity, so Scotty doing Warp13 was impossible, and i sense we go by what is only shown on screen, so the encylopedia entries ect are not perfect Cannon there wasnt a change in the Warp Scale. I can go on based purley on what we saw on screen here.

I do try and judge things by when they were made as well as by how they were made.  I don't judge TOS by the same standards as later shows but by the standards of their own time.  Up to the 1960s about the only shows that had anything like a rigourous attention to "canon" or to a consistant story line were soap operas.  So TOS gets leeway because of when it was made.

By the time of Enterprise things had changed and shows like Babylon 5 and Stargate had raised the bar on consistancy and on going story lines.

Berman and Braga of Enterprise knowingly and purposefully said @#$$% canon. 

As to the "warp 10 limit" I have been told but not seen that it was mentioned in one of the episodes that the Warp # system was redefined at some point so Scotty's warp 13 would not be the same as LaForge saying the same.

The Eugenics wars are never clearly defined.  Consider how much devastation you would have seen in a U.S. city at any time in WWII.  The episode you cite could be in a similarly "safe" city.

I don't cite much from Voyager because like DS9 I have only seen a handful of episodes.

But instead if Starfleet classified all logs pertaining to romulan cloaking technology, stiles wouldn't have known. Enterprise never says Romulands used the cloak during the war, so besides Enterprise no one else saw it. I would also imagine many details of there dealings with the suliban and the expanse are also highly classified so no spock and kirk couldn't have had those details. The NX-01 isnt on the wall of the EnterpriseD or E because they are Federation Starships named Enterprise, the NX-01 was an Earth Starfleet Vessel not federation as it is stated NX-01 was being retired to make way for the new ships, which we know is the Deadulas class fleet. As for the romulans not fighting with warp drive, thats improbable at best, most likly and present in books about this era is the romulans used carrier type ships, the Star Trek Book Final Frontier deals with this, and Romulan ships where more a less perasite vessels attached to larger carriers. To belive the romulans would have fought the war without warp drive period is whole idiotic. Also considering Romulas's distance to the Nutral zone, which is where the boarders for both sides came to a stand still, how would romulan forces even make it to the lines without some form of warp travel even from parasite ships. Also kirk makes it obvious that we know very little of Romulans and Enterprise didn't change this one bit, Even archer didn't know much about them.

You miss a few things with Enterprise and the Romulans. 

The Earth Romulan war should have taken place in the gap between the last two episodes of Enterprise but doesn't appear to have occurred.

The articles of Federation should have been signed in the SAME year of the Alliance made at the end of Enterprise.  Not likely.  Politicians on an international scale don't move that fast.

The Romulans and warp can be accounted for.  I long ago noted that there are for both warp and impulse TWO systems, drive and engine.  The drive is the actual propulsion system and the engine the power system.  Using that standard a Romulan Warbird could have a Warp Drive but still and Impulse Engine and not be capable of high warp speed due to lack of power.

Stiles is asked by Kirk how they would recognize a Romulan ship as the designs will have changed after a hundred years.  Stiles does not recognize the appearance of the Warbird when it is seen.  The design of the Warbird in Enterprise is similar enough that Stiles should have recognized it.

Classifying the expedition to the Expanse??  I can't believe that for a moment.  Remember it was a very publicly known reaction to Earth being "Pearl Harbor'ed". 

Classifying the existance of the cloak when the Romulans MUST have used it in the war is next to impossible, it would be like classifying that the Germans used U-Boats in WWII, too commonly known to classify.  Stiles would surely have heard at least rumours of it.  Starfleet Academy would at least have "speculative" classes on how to fight invisible ships.

So take this into account and realize that everything has an anwser if you look, or you can insist on pure screen cannon, and then none of Star Trek goes together Period the end.

As I said I judge by when the work was done.  The newer the series the more consistancy I expect because of improvements of the state of the art.

The Eugenics wars devesated the entire earth, that is stated clearly in Space Seed, the deathtoll is near 30 million and nearly sent earth into a darkage, this was a larger scale than WW2, but LA shows absolutly no signs of a war ever happening in 1997 yet the conflict was fought in the mid 1990's aka 94,95.96. So there is a breach of Cannon. Also starfleet would classify alot about the expanse, would you want to tell your entire population these aliens are building another device to kill all of you, no you wouldn't this would cause widespread panic, starfleet would keep a very tightlid on the events that happened. Also technology ect they encounted would be classified for fear of spies ect gaining general access to these records. Look at our own tech to see this, the F-117 was flying for how long before we knew it existed, no one knows. There are still secrets our own government has kept classified from the general public and no one has yet figured that out. It is not implasuabile to think that as time went on, the pople that keep the secrets got better and could protect it better.

but the truth is, anyone who has seen trek is quite aware, cannon is almost impossible to determine for alot of details, everyshow contradicts another show, or themselves constantly. Star Trek has never followed its own Cannon period. It has always since day one meant to be a good plot for that episode, Roddenberry had no dreams of what we now argue over, it was just a show to him, and he wanted a good story and dramatics weather it contradicted other details, and STar Trekh asnt changed there ways yet

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2009, 07:16:20 pm »
and I ask if Phase Cannons are so great why did Starfleet switch to lasers before 2254 when we see pike the first time? PHase Cannons are not Phasers, if they where pike would be using them dont you think? Does everyone forget the Enteprise under pike has lasers not phasers.

In TOS the Enterprise under Pike had Lasers.  What did it have in the new movie?  I haven't seen the movie so I can't say.

If lasers are so great why were the hand lasers on Enterprise replaced with Phase Pistols?

Note:  According to quotes on IMDB Kirk has a phaser pointed at him in the new movie.  If so then the Enterprise under Pike would likely have Phasers too.  That being so would seem to validate the Enterprise and the new movie not being in the same timeline as the other series.

Also photonic torpedo's wouldn't have the same affect as a nuclear blast, everything we have seen dealing with them and there later photon topedo's points to a large megaton yield yes, but far less damage spread. A 100megaton nuclear warhead could knock out multiple ships in tight formation simply from the shockwave that goes out. I can see a great many reason to use Nukes over photonic torpedo's Also the Radiation does, even 24th centry ships are affected by Radition, it pentrates there sheilds, so while knocking them around your giving them radiation posinging. Also the Enterprise NCC-1701 was faced with a romulan ship using a nuclear device to self destroy, it caused eletecial inteference and light damage and minor casulaties. And that was after the blast took out the romulan ship. Now also a nuke can destroy an entire city, yet we see time and agian photons are more precisie weapons STV is a prefect example they used them as close range artlitery and these where far more advanced that the NX-01. So for a large scale war it very well could have been for more practical to use nukes.

The NSM used to hit the NCC 1701 was detonated less than 100 meters from the ship and they took minimal damage while feigning more to lure in the Warbird.  That was after shield and other damage from the plasma torpedo.  Nuclear weapons don't show as being that powerful.  If they were so much better than the torpedos on the NX01 why were they not carried instead into the expanse?  Given the direness of the situation I would expect them to put the BEST weapons on the ship.  After all the fate of the human race was in the balance.

As for pegasus rewatch it and these are the voyages very closely, riker goes to think in these are the voyages and follows dieanna out, also there is alot of time in peagus not covered, so riker could have loaded the holoprogram. Also consider that the alliance chater not the Federation charter was signed, also note Earth Starfleet is not Federation Starfleet, most of the assests where asorbed yes, but one is clearly Earth Starfleet one is Clearly Federation Starfleet. Also if the NX-01 was sechudles for decommission because Earth Starfleet was shutting down, and Federation Starfleet was taking over, The NX-01 would have been part of the Earth Starfleet not merged into Federation Starfleet, there would be no point to assin a Federation registry.

Riker leaves the holodeck at the end of Enterprise and tells Deanna that he has made his decision and is going to talk to Picard.

In TNG Riker made his decision aboard the Pegasus once the device was found and the decision forced. 

A very clear contradiction between the two.

Also just to conclude cause im getting bored, TOS contradticts itself alot. One episode says TRansporters are 100 years old but colonists who left earth 50 years ago have no clue what it is. To name one example, this is one reason you have to learn to overlook small decrepancies in these events. What it boils down to is simple, your so set on hating Enterprise you refuse to overlook minor discribinces and obvious truths the rest of us have noticed. While you overlook these same problems within TOS itself. Going by your statements cetain episodes of TOS arnt even in the same timeline.

If you look at my prior post you will see my explanation for why I judge the old stuff by lower standards than the new stuff.  I wouldn't judge the old Flash Gordon serials by the same standards as TOS let alone newer shows like Enterprise. 

Lets consider my tape and DVD collection.  About 1/3 of TOS.  The first 5 or 6 seasons of TNG.  One episode of DS9.  None of Voyager.  All of Enterprise.

As to viewing I have seen all of TOS.  Much of TNG. A handful of DS9, fewer still of Voyager.  All of Enterprise.

I truly must hate the one series that I have bought AND seen ALL of the episodes of.

If you consider what I've posted I haven't actually criticized the show, merely pointed out that it qualifies as being a separate timeline.

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Seti Team    Free Software
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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2009, 07:28:05 pm »
The Eugenics wars devesated the entire earth, that is stated clearly in Space Seed, the deathtoll is near 30 million and nearly sent earth into a darkage, this was a larger scale than WW2, but LA shows absolutly no signs of a war ever happening in 1997 yet the conflict was fought in the mid 1990's aka 94,95.96. So there is a breach of Cannon. Also starfleet would classify alot about the expanse, would you want to tell your entire population these aliens are building another device to kill all of you, no you wouldn't this would cause widespread panic, starfleet would keep a very tightlid on the events that happened. Also technology ect they encounted would be classified for fear of spies ect gaining general access to these records. Look at our own tech to see this, the F-117 was flying for how long before we knew it existed, no one knows. There are still secrets our own government has kept classified from the general public and no one has yet figured that out. It is not implasuabile to think that as time went on, the pople that keep the secrets got better and could protect it better.

but the truth is, anyone who has seen trek is quite aware, cannon is almost impossible to determine for alot of details, everyshow contradicts another show, or themselves constantly. Star Trek has never followed its own Cannon period. It has always since day one meant to be a good plot for that episode, Roddenberry had no dreams of what we now argue over, it was just a show to him, and he wanted a good story and dramatics weather it contradicted other details, and STar Trekh asnt changed there ways yet

It has been a long time since I saw Space Seed but 30 million of 6 billion is .5% which I think is close to the casualty levels of WWII as a % and if so I would not expect the whole world to be a devastated warzone. 

I suspect that the F-117 was a rumour for a long time before it went public and it wasn't kept secret for 100 years in any case like you argue that 4 other races using cloaks would have been.  Some of our military watchers on the board would likely know more about that.  In any case you are talking as if the F-117 was used against the U.S. through a long war and kept secret from Americans.

Actually I think that with computers and compact digital cameras keeping secrets will get harder for the government rather than easier. 

You still need to explain WHY Starfleet would keep the secret of other races having cloaks when at least 4 races have been known to have them and the Vulcans and Klingons as non cloak users already know of them (at least).  Why would you not inform your own people of what enemies and potential enemies have?

Do unto others as Frey has done unto you.
Seti Team    Free Software
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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #59 on: September 09, 2009, 02:26:47 am »
why because you encounted it only on a romulan and a suliban vessel, also because it is easily beatable but you wouldn't want to instill fear into your people that the enemy can swood out of no where unless your looking for them and kill you all, you dont tell the general public this. And as you stated you hate Enterprise, I enjoy it, and I can look past some flaws, but when it comes to it, you me and no one else decides cannon, Paramount does, and paramount says Enterprise is part of the prime timeline no matter what you think or care, paramount makes the rules here, and Enterprise is part of the prime timeline, go argue with them. Also remember nothing from Franz Jospheh's technical manual, or the encyclopedia are recogized as offical cannon.