Although I am not so sure Enterprise is "Officiallly" not consdered cannon.
But - really -wtf have they done with this latest Star Trek - was it really necessary to do that!??
And ****SPOILER ALERT**** !
Isn't it only logical that "future" spock has already left instructions for a FLEET of Federation Ships to take out NEMO at first sight (since he knows exactly where and when he will be) - or even more simply to just try and save Romulous (with HEAVY ESCORT) a few weeks earlier...
I mean - wouldn't that ALREADY have collapsed the alternative timeline - unless we assume Future Spock was painfully annhilated with a Disruptor before he accomplished this - but wouldn't Enterprises ship logs for Star Fleet already throw another plan into action??
(unless they're really really happy to be rid of those Arrogant, Green Blooded, Pointy Eared Bastid's!)