Topic: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.  (Read 22958 times)

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Offline Corbomite

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #60 on: September 09, 2009, 08:10:29 am »
why because you encounted it only on a romulan and a suliban vessel, also because it is easily beatable but you wouldn't want to instill fear into your people that the enemy can swood out of no where unless your looking for them and kill you all, you dont tell the general public this.

They encountered it with that race that got Trip pregnant too.

The military is not the "general public".

Offline candle_86

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #61 on: September 09, 2009, 03:25:45 pm »
no but the military is never told everything, and I did some checking these techs where classified by Archer as Stealth not a cloak, and the way it works is vasty inferior to a real cloak anyway. It uses a particle field to mask it from sensors, it does not bend light around it, so calling it a cloak is wrong in the first place. So stiles and spock having no clue about cloaking devices would make sense, because what we saw in ENT used a particle field to blind sensors simliar to how our stealth works today, it did not bend the light around. So I belive these primitive defensive systems fit fine, and are a precusor to the cloaking device.

Offline Nemesis

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Re: The new Star Trek timeline needs a name.
« Reply #62 on: September 10, 2009, 10:28:52 am »
And as you stated you hate Enterprise

Actually YOU stated that I hate Enterprise.

What it boils down to is simple, your so set on hating Enterprise you refuse to overlook minor discribinces and obvious truths the rest of us have noticed.

I stated in response:

As to viewing I have seen all of TOS.  Much of TNG. A handful of DS9, fewer still of Voyager.  All of Enterprise.

I truly must hate the one series that I have bought AND seen ALL of the episodes of.

If you consider what I've posted I haven't actually criticized the show, merely pointed out that it qualifies as being a separate timeline.

You missed my point. 

Is it likely that given the fact that the only two Star Trek series that I have seen all episodes of are TOS and Enterprise and ONLY Enterprise do I own copies of ALL the episodes that I would hate Enterprise after spending so much money to buy every season?

If you look I don't actually criticize Enterprise I merely point out that due to all the discrepancies it does not fit on the same timeline as the other series.  A view that someone can have without hating the series.  Think about it.

I even explained why I give older series more leeway in inconsistencies than I do the newer series.

I do try and judge things by when they were made as well as by how they were made.  I don't judge TOS by the same standards as later shows but by the standards of their own time.  Up to the 1960s about the only shows that had anything like a rigourous attention to "canon" or to a consistant story line were soap operas.  So TOS gets leeway because of when it was made.

By the time of Enterprise things had changed and shows like Babylon 5 and Stargate had raised the bar on consistancy and on going story lines.

Berman and Braga of Enterprise knowingly and purposefully said @#$$% canon.

Don't forget that Berman and Braga even kept Star Trek out of the Enterprise title in the beginning.  They even did away with the opening "where no man has gone before speech" that fit with Enterprise even more than any of the other series.  That helps to reinforce the idea that they themselves consider Enterprise separate from the other series.
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