Topic: You know you're a Trek geek when...  (Read 1874 times)

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Offline Bonk

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You know you're a Trek geek when...
« on: May 14, 2009, 03:00:11 pm »
... you want one of these.

* Bonk runs out to buy sugared cereal.

Problem is, what does this mean?:
End Date

I have no idea whatsoever what date that represents. Grrr, it's yyyy-mm-dd dammit, didn't people learn anything from y2k? Sigh, I want my Star Trek USB stick! I hope the offer expires in 2010, not 2006 or 1930.


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Re: You know you're a Trek geek when...
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2009, 03:13:51 pm »
LOL yea that date is
mm-dd-yyyy format ;D

And based on this then I must be a Trek geek too ;D
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: You know you're a Trek geek when...
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2009, 02:33:50 am »
Man that's more cereal then I eat in a decade.

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: You know you're a Trek geek when...
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2009, 03:07:55 am »
Yeah, I've got two of those tokens... thing is I DO eat the cereal that fast.  I just wonder how much longer the promotion will last.

Oh, I've got one up on this...

my calculus and Physics notes from Highschool and college.  All were dated with stardates...


Century, last two digits of the year, and the date/365.2425.  Every 8 hours advanced the date by .1  :D
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Offline Greenvalv

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Re: You know you're a Trek geek when...
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2009, 03:35:21 am »
Aw, sweeeet, I want one... looks like Apple Jacks is on the menu.

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: You know you're a Trek geek when...
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2009, 12:45:11 pm »
No one says you have to eat the cereal, you could always just clip the token(s) before you eat the stuff - 8 boxes of cereal is a lot - and just take your time with the foods while you wait the 90 or so days to get your toy!

FYI - at ~$3.00 a box, you can get one with 8 tokens for ~$24 or up to 5 (!) for ~$55 with 5 tokens.

Czar "I wonder how many people getting these are over 8, and how many of those are over 18," Mohab

P.S. I think if you knew someone who bought, ate the foods, and was not using the token you could lower the price for yourself. Esp. if you knew 8 someones!
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