One word for me.. casting.
Zachary Quintos is the best cast character, but as much as I like Simon Pegg.. I'd still have preferred to have seen McGillion from SG Atlantis in the role.
Take a look at why:


And finally

Pegg as Scotty

Now compare this image:

If you're looking to have someone *look* the part, plus be able to carry off the part without having to work at it, McGillion is the better choice. I like Pegg, but he wasn't the best choice here.
Lovers of the shaky-cam will be happy with this one, but can we please get a video-stablized release for DVD? I hated it in "Blair Witch Galactica" (enough that it made it too difficult to watch that series) and I don't like it any better now.
And *please*, next time.. give them a decent villian to fight against. "Nero"? The only thing that would have made the role worse would have been casting Eric Roberts in the role.
"Pimp My Ride" Enterprise.. :p
I've been watching the show longer than some here have been alive.. can I *now* say that I don't like the movie without all the Abrhams apologists jumping on me for not giving it a chance? Have I been watching long enough to have a valid opinion? Have I paid enough to see all the previous movies, series and restarts (I'm talking you ST:E), that my opinion is considered valid?
Or has it all been tossed in the bin now that there's a reboot. Er, prequel. Er, alternate universe. However they can validate this without invalidating all the previous stuff. After all, I'm not the market they're looking for anymore, because established Trek watchers are a limited group. Let's branch out to try raping the general public wallet now.
Poor story, butchers too much. Should've gone to see Wolverine instead, Hugh Jackman at least *looks* the part, even if he is too damn tall..
Now get off my lawn!