Topic: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!  (Read 16660 times)

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2009, 10:07:27 am »
i've seen a couple still frames that actually made me not cringe.. but go "OMG look.. the engineering section looks perfect... omg .. they've got the bridge dome glowing."

So.. still haven't seeeeeen it yet (my 40th birthday is in 12 days) and a bunch of my old friends and I are going to see it at the IMAX.

Any opinions on the IMAX vs normal theatres?

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2009, 10:22:29 am »
I have not seen it in non-IMAX, but the IMAX version was great. I'd say its worth it.
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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2009, 02:44:06 pm »
They very blatently say that it is an alternate timeline in the film, so as long as you go in with that knowledge and the normal Trek "anything can happen", you willl find the movie enjoyable.

George Kirk is my new Trek hero. Made the wife cry a little, but he remembered what is most important. Hell of a career ender, though.

K. Maru scene - It cleared up the TWoK "he cheated" line, and the apple was brilliant.

Old Spock - I look at it this way - DeForest Kelly was there at Encounter at Farpoint, Patrick Stewart was there for Emissary, Armin Shimerman was there for Caretaker... symbolically giving the new guys the keys to the Trek series. Far as I'm coincerned, Nimoy gave these kids the keys to the next series. And, without a doubt, played the role well.

I fully enjoyed the various tie-ins to Enterprise and TOS.

My only one true "I can't get over it" gripe - we have to wait to see what happens next.

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2009, 03:11:58 pm »
I think the alternate timeline is a convenience for those who want to be die-hard about it, thats all.
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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2009, 02:06:10 am »
They very blatently say that it is an alternate timeline in the film, so as long as you go in with that knowledge and the normal Trek "anything can happen", you willl find the movie enjoyable.

This was the only thing that saved the movie for me.. them repeating that this was an alternate time line.

I still have problems with the design of the ship, however, given an alternate time line, I think I can live with this movie, however the new ship can never replace the true NCC-1701 U.S.S. Enterprise, the redesign was a bit too much and made the ship not all that attractive to me.

Overall, I give the movie 7 out of 10..  Ship design was a big - to me and reuse of content repetatively from TOS and TMP Movies which killed some of the originality.

To me it looked like they took TOS and TMP movies and crammed them all into 1.. I saw a lot of TOS, ST 1 and ST 2 in the movie (especially with the bug they put into Pike (Wrath of Khan), the early introduction of Checkov from TOS Season 2, the hidden attraction of Spock and Uhura from TOS season 2 - 3, the shot into the torpedo bay on George Kirk's ship (Wrath of Khan), the destruction of Romulus (Praxis from ST V), etc..)

I didn't buy a ticket.. a Friend bought a ticket for me and begged me to go (and took some alcohol to convince me to watch the movie).. I might go watch it again on my own to catch what I missed in the first run..

After all, it is an alternate time line.. thus might be an interesting reboot.

The movie was a bit too fast paced for my liking, but overall it was done pretty well. like I stated 7 out of 10 (couldn't get use to the sound of the ship doors.. where's the whoosh-boop? sounded more like chimes..)
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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2009, 10:27:35 am »
 Does anybody have a pic of the new ship they can post??

 I was supposed to go this week but my kid got sick, and We had to stay home with the poor little guy.

 If any thing is going to really bother me, it will be that. :P

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2009, 08:42:36 pm »
The movie was a bit too fast paced for my liking, but overall it was done pretty well. like I stated 7 out of 10 (couldn't get use to the sound of the ship doors.. where's the whoosh-boop? sounded more like chimes..)

I actually think the movie was paced perfectly - I never once looked at my watch. It started off with a good hook, then lightened way up for a perfect amount of time. It got a bit heavier (but not too much), but still kept light elements througout.

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2009, 12:31:45 am »
Does anybody have a pic of the new ship they can post??

 I was supposed to go this week but my kid got sick, and We had to stay home with the poor little guy.

 If any thing is going to really bother me, it will be that. :P

I'll try and find one for you Ravok. I think what bothered me was the shark fins on the nacelles.

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2009, 12:53:19 am »
 Thanks Steven! :)

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2009, 01:55:48 am »
Ref: Star Trek's Big Box-Office Bang

The new film, opening this weekend, broke all expectations and carrying a whopping 76.5 Million opening weekend.

Apparently, contrary to some's belief around here, Star Trek did NOT die, and seems to be doing very well indeed.

Almost everyone I've talked to, long term Trekker and newbie Trekkie alike, said the film was AWESOME.

Discuss here, and be nice, I will sure phaser the first person that comes in here being crappy.

looking at the starbase in the pic got me thinking.  It is more in line with SFB starbases then with the starbases that we have seen in the movies before.  Maybe a push for more SFB stuff might work.
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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2009, 08:33:08 am »
I enjoyed it, and am interested in seeing where this goes. I want some detail on those other Starfleet ships.

LLAP  \V/,

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2009, 11:05:38 am »
The starbase looks like it came out of the Starfleet Techincal Manual by Jefferies.  If it is the same starbase, then the circular extensions are supposed to be where Starships under going repairs or construction are.  Those extensions don't look big enough to house starships though.  Of course, this movie set the Enterprise being built on the planet's surface...which is only viable if they were afraid that orbital shipyards were vulnerable to attack.
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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2009, 11:08:40 am »
I like that the starbase was inspired by Joseph's design - if it had been exactly like it it would've bothered me.
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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2009, 01:11:43 pm »
Heres a couple of links with pic. Its not from the move per say but with the exception of the type of hull paint which seems to have slightly different reflective qualities  here I can't tell the difference.


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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2009, 01:30:00 pm »
 The Movie looks great, but the ship is not working too well for me. :P

 The nacelles really need to be streamlined some more.

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2009, 12:50:06 am »
i've seen a couple still frames that actually made me not cringe.. but go "OMG look.. the engineering section looks perfect... omg .. they've got the bridge dome glowing."

So.. still haven't seeeeeen it yet (my 40th birthday is in 12 days) and a bunch of my old friends and I are going to see it at the IMAX.

Any opinions on the IMAX vs normal theatres?


its worth the extra few bucks to see it in IMAX...

better sound

bigger screen

additional scenes

i thoroughly enjoyed it!  and will see it again...

except for losing 40 some odd ships to a romulan punk...
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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2009, 01:34:30 am »
i've seen a couple still frames that actually made me not cringe.. but go "OMG look.. the engineering section looks perfect... omg .. they've got the bridge dome glowing."

So.. still haven't seeeeeen it yet (my 40th birthday is in 12 days) and a bunch of my old friends and I are going to see it at the IMAX.

Any opinions on the IMAX vs normal theatres?


its worth the extra few bucks to see it in IMAX...

better sound

bigger screen

additional scenes

i thoroughly enjoyed it!  and will see it again...

except for losing 40 some odd ships to a romulan punk...

Obviously a work of fiction... ;)

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2009, 02:24:19 am »
The Movie looks great, but the ship is not working too well for me. :P

 The nacelles really need to be streamlined some more.

I agree, that was about the only problem I had with the ship, was the "Shark Fins" If they had just stuck with those normal Tubes on the end, It would have been fine IMHO

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Re: New Star Trek pulls in 76.5 Million!
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2009, 11:34:55 am »
Does anybody have a pic of the new ship they can post??

 I was supposed to go this week but my kid got sick, and We had to stay home with the poor little guy.

 If any thing is going to really bother me, it will be that. :P

I'll try and find one for you Ravok. I think what bothered me was the shark fins on the nacelles.


They don't look so bad.
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