Oh yeah, the ass-kicking, skirt laying, "Win at Any Cost" kirk that we've all come to KNOW and LOVE is no more, he's been replaced by this alternate timeline. He shot his wad of great-dom in this movie. he had his moment in the sun where he summoned up the balls to kick some butt.
Who knows, maybe we'll get to see him next on Time Trek 12: Ferrying Trash From the Earth to Saturn cuz he didn't get a friendly handshake for that ridiculous "koybayshi maru joke of a scene".
What a disappoinment. "oh there's 5 ships, meh, fire some photons, yawn" That scene right there lost the movie for me. For the producers to make such a joke out of a major, in any timeline, event in StarFleet history, well screw whoever has control of the Trek universe.
And really, what kind of time travelling supercommander of an uber ship gives an order like "fire everything". Yeah, even the trashcompactor? Hope you don't need that energy for your, um, real weapons. Whatever they are. unless, of course, the weapon is called "Everything".
Oh the Wrath of Kahn?
Sorry guys, TWOK was just a figment of your imagination.