They're the ones who started it.
Maybe we should say that a life is required to go and see it, and leave it at that.
Its not my fault that they can't defend their point of view without taking a jab at me.
Yea but the thing is, you hate it sight unseen. And seem to belittle anybody that disagrees with your concept,of what Trek should be.
Personally I find it exceptionally close minded, to judge,and denigrate something sight unseen.
And then bash people for not sharing your views.
As Spock would put it its NOT Logical.
I have heard the same complaining, are cries of blasphemy,since the first Movies came out. And the same arguments.
But still Star Trek lives on, and evolves. Its the way Gene intended. To open our minds to new possibility's.
Not to cling to the past, or live there.
Some people can't accept change. They should have the wisdom to realise this is a limitation, and while it suits them. Not try to force it on everybody else.
We know you hate, and can't tolerate, the concept they used for this movie. You have made that abundantly clear.
But let people have their own opinion and enjoy it.
The world is for the young anyway. We have to turn it over to them,and use their own imagination and vision.
Thats how we all evolve as a culture, and species.
If we didn't there would be NO Star Trek at all.