Topic: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection  (Read 28183 times)

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‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:21:56 pm »
It’s everything you want from a summer movie, a reboot or a TV remake
By Alonso Duralde
Film critic

updated 7:02 a.m. PT, Thurs., May 7, 2009
It was once noted that “Casablanca” was perhaps the one movie to emerge from the studio system that accomplished everything that most studio films of the era tried to do: There’s a love story, intrigue, comedy and even a dash of torn-from-the-headlines current events. Seeing what “Casablanca” does perfectly with such seeming effortlessness throws its lesser contemporaries into sharp relief.

And while “Star Trek” is no “Casablanca,” it sets a new standard in various categories of its own: As a summer blockbuster, it delivers on pyrotechnics, fist-clenching excitement and three-dimensional characters. As a reboot of a popular franchise, it takes us back to square one in a way that feels both familiar and fresh. (As opposed to, say, the muddled “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”) And as a remake of a TV show, it captures the essence of the original while allowing the big-screen version to expand in new and thrilling directions.

“Star Trek” is easily the summer tentpole movie by which all of 2009’s summer tentpole movies will be measured. And I say this as someone who’s not a fanatic about the original show or about the nerd-friendly work of director J.J. Abrams. (For what it’s worth, the hardcore “Trek” fanatic on one side of me and the person on the other side of me whose only exposure to the “Trek” movies was “the one with the whales” loved it just as much as I did.)

One of the smartest moves that Abrams and writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman (working from the original Gene Roddenberry blueprint) made was to place this new “Star Trek” both into the saga’s original continuity and outside of it at the same time. (Doing so involves black holes and chronological disparities that make perfect sense during the movie; just don’t ask me to explain them here.) This wormhole-loophole allows the creators to placate old-school Trekkers while simultaneously freeing themselves up to do what they want.

And what they want winds up being exhilarating and intelligent from start to finish. We begin with Romulan madman Nero (Eric Bana) opening fire on the USS Kelvin and taking its captain hostage; assuming command is the first Captain Kirk, who sacrifices his life and his ship so that the Kelvin’s refugees — including his wife, who gives birth to young James Tiberius Kirk during her escape — may live.

Jump forward to troubled adolescent James (Chris Pine), who decides to attend Starfleet Academy after flirting with alien-languages major Uhura (Zoe Saldana) and getting an affectionate talking-to by Captain Christopher Pike (Bruce Greenwood), who studied the Kelvin incident and thinks the younger Kirk could do his father proud.

Meanwhile, on Vulcan, Spock (Zachary Quinto) turns down an opportunity to join the Vulcan Science Council when he realizes they will always judge him for his half-human heritage, choosing instead to join Starfleet. He and Kirk square off at first, but…

I’m shutting up about the plot now, because “Star Trek” (again, unlike “Wolverine”) is loaded with surprises even though the whole movie is about getting Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Bones (Karl Urban), Sulu (John Cho), Chekov (Anton Yelchin), Scotty (Simon Pegg) and the whole gang together again for the first time.

While “Star Trek” certainly represents a triumph for the franchise — these characters are rounded-out and complicated and fully-formed rather than just being charmingly wooden — it’s also a flat-out satisfying movie, even if you come to it with no “Trek” baggage. Whether it’s a breathtaking sequence involving parachutes and a sword-fighting Sulu or outer-space battles that accentuate the terrifying and silent void of the universe, the film balances amazing action with human interactions that are similarly engrossing.

When Pike goads Kirk with the line, “Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives, including yours. I dare you to do better,” I could feel the hairs on my neck standing up in a way usually reserved for well-written, powerful dramas and not mass-market genre movies.

This new “Star Trek” made me unpack my adjectives: It’s exciting, moving, hilarious, action-packed, sexy (a romance pops up between two very unexpected characters) and suspenseful — in short, exactly what big, fun summer popcorn movies are supposed to be and yet so rarely are. I’ve never glued on pointy ears and attended a “Star Trek” convention in my life, but this is a “Trek” I could get geeky about.

© 2009  Reprints

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 12:33:26 pm » I know I'm going to hate it....a critic likes it... :laugh:

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 03:50:52 pm »
Lets see, a positive review from someone who doesn't like Star Trek, about a film directed and produced by someone who doesn't like Star Trek.

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 05:51:56 pm »
Lets see, a positive review from someone who doesn't like Star Trek, about a film directed and produced by someone who doesn't like Star Trek.

What more could you ask for?
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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 07:55:59 pm »
Lets see, a positive review from someone who doesn't like Star Trek, about a film directed and produced by someone who doesn't like Star Trek.

What more could you ask for?

A film that doesn't say screw you to us long time fans.

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2009, 08:26:02 pm »
Lets see, a positive review from someone who doesn't like Star Trek, about a film directed and produced by someone who doesn't like Star Trek.

What more could you ask for?

A film that doesn't say screw you to us long time fans.

Face it, we're a dying breed and it would be extremely stupid to pander to us.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2009, 08:56:22 pm »

Face it, we're a dying breed and it would be extremely stupid to pander to us.

Look at the even numbered Star Treks before Nemesis.  Its very possible to produce a film that can still appeal to a broader audience, that doesn't give us the finger.  TROST didn't even want to try.  Add to that the fact that he and his lackeys initially lied to us and initially said it wouldn't be a reboot, I'm more inclined to not only to not see it in theaters, but to  possibly see it on a bootleg dvd so I can screw him over as much as possible.

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2009, 09:10:05 pm »
I was around to watch TOS first run. I just saw the movie and give it a 9 out of 10. Can't imagine them doing much better than this, outside of the Enterprise which looks ok from some angles but still bothers me some.
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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2009, 11:44:05 pm »
I've seen it.  It is good, not great but good.

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2009, 11:59:38 pm »
Lets see, a positive review from someone who doesn't like Star Trek, about a film directed and produced by someone who doesn't like Star Trek.

What more could you ask for?

A film that doesn't say screw you to us long time fans.

Face it, we're a dying breed and it would be extremely stupid to pander to us.

I dont know how old you are, toast, but Im not going to see a film that takes a big ole steaming crap on one of my favorite shows. Thats the very reason I didnt watch BSG-The Revenge of Starbuck's Vagina. Its an insult to the real fans. "Duhhhh, I bet we can get some half-wit teenagers to watch Star Trek by sticking in more explosions and some skin".

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2009, 09:19:03 am »

Face it, we're a dying breed and it would be extremely stupid to pander to us.

Look at the even numbered Star Treks before Nemesis.  Its very possible to produce a film that can still appeal to a broader audience, that doesn't give us the finger.  TROST didn't even want to try.  Add to that the fact that he and his lackeys initially lied to us and initially said it wouldn't be a reboot, I'm more inclined to not only to not see it in theaters, but to  possibly see it on a bootleg dvd so I can screw him over as much as possible.

I think the Onion paradied perfectly your feeling. You should watch it.
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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2009, 09:22:36 am »
Lets see, a positive review from someone who doesn't like Star Trek, about a film directed and produced by someone who doesn't like Star Trek.

What more could you ask for?

A film that doesn't say screw you to us long time fans.

Face it, we're a dying breed and it would be extremely stupid to pander to us.

I dont know how old you are, toast, but Im not going to see a film that takes a big ole steaming crap on one of my favorite shows. Thats the very reason I didnt watch BSG-The Revenge of Starbuck's Vagina. Its an insult to the real fans. "Duhhhh, I bet we can get some half-wit teenagers to watch Star Trek by sticking in more explosions and some skin".

You've seen it? Or have you like so few others, formed a hard opinion on something you have niether seen, heard, or experiened.
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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2009, 01:19:59 pm »
saw it last night... it was excellent.  Sure it "plays" with the time line, but oddly enough the old characters shine through the new treatment.  The "impersonations" are pretty much spot on... great acting and writing all around.


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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2009, 01:29:38 pm »

I think the Onion paradied perfectly your feeling. You should watch it.

Can't really watch the onion vid on my connection, but are you trying to say that The Wrath of Kahn wasn't a great film, or the Voyage Home, or The Undiscovered Country, or First contract for that matter?

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2009, 01:31:44 pm »

I think the Onion paradied perfectly your feeling. You should watch it.

Can't really watch the onion vid on my connection, but are you trying to say that The Wrath of Kahn wasn't a great film, or the Voyage Home, or The Undiscovered Country, or First contract for that matter?

he may not say it, I will.  They were alright movies, but not great IMHO, your milage may very. (can't comment on Undiscovered Country, didn't go to, or rent that one).
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2009, 01:34:19 pm »

I think the Onion paradied perfectly your feeling. You should watch it.

Can't really watch the onion vid on my connection, but are you trying to say that The Wrath of Kahn wasn't a great film, or the Voyage Home, or The Undiscovered Country, or First contract for that matter?

he may not say it, I will.  They were alright movies, but not great IMHO, your milage may very. (can't comment on Undiscovered Country, didn't go to, or rent that one).

Then what do you consider great.  I think that The Wrath of Kahn was one of the greatest sci-fi filims ever made.

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2009, 01:40:44 pm »

I think the Onion paradied perfectly your feeling. You should watch it.

Can't really watch the onion vid on my connection, but are you trying to say that The Wrath of Kahn wasn't a great film, or the Voyage Home, or The Undiscovered Country, or First contract for that matter?

he may not say it, I will.  They were alright movies, but not great IMHO, your milage may very. (can't comment on Undiscovered Country, didn't go to, or rent that one).

Then what do you consider great.  I think that The Wrath of Kahn was one of the greatest sci-fi filims ever made.

sad to say, It has been so long since I have walked out of a movie in awe I really can't remember what I would say is a great movie.  SciFi is one of the hardest ones to make a great movie about.  Wrath of Khan was good (I think when Kirk took the Enterprise "up" he should have tipped it forward also so he had a nice shot down on the top of Khans saucer.

StarWars and StarTrek are both in the top on my list of movie series (two sides of a similar coin).  I really liked Serenity (sic), but I have a hard time saying any SciFi is a Great movie, but I enjoy the heck out of them.
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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2009, 01:43:18 pm »
Another important thing to note, is that When Harve Bennett, a man who had no experience with Star Trek whatsoever was signed as the producer, he took the time to watch the original 79, and familiarize himself with the series.  TROST couldn't have been bothered.

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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2009, 01:47:20 pm »
I was wondering; does anyone in this thread dress up in spandex and go to conventions?
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Re: ‘Star Trek’ is popcorn perfection
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2009, 02:06:48 pm »
Maybe we should say that a life is required to go and see it, and leave it at that.
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